摘要:改革开放初期,中国就将引进外资与发展对外贸易确定为对外开放的主要内容。实践证明,我们已经取得了举世瞩目的成就。在进出口贸易方面,中国已经从开放初期的第 32 位上升到 2007 年的世界第 2位,大量外商直接投资的流入和我国对外贸易额不断扩大,引起了大家的广泛关注。我国吸收外国直接投资数量连续多年稳居世界前列,成为发展中国家的第一大东道国。与此同时,我国对外贸易以及外资企业贸易比例均有大幅度提高,且发展迅速,推动了国民经济快速持续发展。
经过本文的分析,得出外资企业对中国对外贸易的影响比较明显的结论,它提高了我国对外贸易总额度,扩大了中国对外贸易的规模。引进外商投资和技术,逐步改变我国单方面做加工贸易的对外贸易模式,改善了我国的生产技术和商品结构,提高我国对外贸易的竞争力。但是外商直接投资并不是完全有益的,它给我国也带了不同种类和程度的问题,所以针对外资企业与中国对外贸易的发展,提出了一些应对政策和建议。关键词: 外资企业;珠三角;对外贸易;影响;发展对策。8086
Influence of foreign enterprises on Chinese foreign trade
Abstract:The beginning of reform and opening up, China will be the introduction of foreign investment and the development of foreign trade to determine opening up within Yung. Practice has proved that we have made remarkable achievements. In import and export trade, China has
From the opening up of the 32-bit up to the 2007 World 2, a large number of foreign direct investment inflows and China's foreign trade volume continues to expand, causing the 
widespread concern. China's absorption of foreign direct investment, the number of ranking in the world for many years, to become the first host country of the developing countries. At the same time, China's foreign trade and foreign trade ratio have greatly improved, and the rapid development, and promote the rapid and sustained development of the national economy.
In this situation, the more necessary to figure out how foreign direct investment affect China's foreign trade, based on the analysis of the impact of foreign-funded enterprises of China's foreign trade, the Pearl River Delta region of the beginning of China's reform and opening up, in terms of productivity and policy on both attract a lot of foreign investment, the paper mainly to the Pearl River Delta region, for example, the history and characteristics of the foreign direct investment in the development of foreign trade development status, this status quo on foreign direct investment with the trend of China's import and export trade simple correlation and regression analysis, to clarify the impact of foreign-invested enterprises of China's foreign trade and influencing factors analysis of foreign direct investment of capital accumulation, spillover effects, as well as its shortcomings. Analysis of foreign direct investment on China's foreign trade impact of external and internal constraints.
After the analysis, the obvious conclusion to come to the impact of foreign-funded enterprises of China's foreign trade, improve the degree of China's total foreign trade, expanding the scale of China's foreign trade. The introduction of foreign investment and technology, and gradually change China's unilateral foreign trade patterns do processing trade, improved production technology in China and commodity structure, and improve the competitiveness of China's foreign trade. Foreign direct investment is not beneficial, it is also to our country with different types and degrees of problems, for foreign-funded enterprises and the development of China's foreign trade, made a number of policy responses and recommendations.
















