摘 要:我国高端白酒行业之间的竞争日趋激烈,市场状况有恶化的趋势,但是高端白酒行业对国民经济建设和发展起着举足轻重的作用,对它的研究具有很重要的现实意义。本论文通过运用SWOT分析法对我国高端白酒行业的情况进行分析研究,特别是对我国高端白酒行业的优势、劣势和其面临的机会与威胁进行了详细的分析,并提出我国高端白酒行业可以选用的战略,对我国高端白酒行业的后续发展具有重要的参考价值。关键词:高端白酒;SWOT;分析;战略8021
The SWOT Analysis of Our High-level Liquor Industry
Abstract: The competition between China's high-level liquor enterprises is more and more fierce, the trend of the marketing conditions is becoming deteriorate, the high-level liquor plays a very important role in the construction and development of our national economy.So studying the liquor industry has very important realistic meanings. This article uses SWOT analytical method to analyze the conditions of our high-level liquor enterprises, especially for the high- level liquor industry's strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats, and putting forward the relevant strategies of our country's high-level liquor which will have a great reference value to the high-level liquor enterprise’s subsequent management.
Key Words: High-level liquor; SWOT; Analysis; Strategy
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