摘要:在2002 年的时候,中国就与老挝合作了,中国与老挝共同签署了《中国与东盟全面经济合作框架协议》,协议中双方约定了在2010年,建立一个自由贸易区。老挝在这个协议中受益匪浅,老挝通过与中国建立贸易关系,国内的经济和技术得到快速的发展。并且在此关系下,中国领导层和老挝领导层之间不断地联系,两国的经贸关系得到了有力的发展。两国就贸易合作问题签订了一系列合约,这些合约夯实了两国的合作关系。通过两国之间的不断合作,贸易的商品种类也日益增多,两国的贸易往来越来越密切。68796
The Problems and Countermeasures of Trade between China and Laos
Abstract: In 2002, China cooperated with Laos, and China and Laos signed the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN. The two sides agreed to establish a free trade zone in 2010. Laos benefited from this agreement, Laos through the establishment of trade relations with China, the domestic economy and technology has been rapid development. And in this relationship, the Chinese leadership and the Laos leadership continue to contact between the two countries' economic and trade relations have been a strong development. The two countries signed a series of contracts on trade cooperation issues, which reinforce the cooperation between the two countries. Through the continuous cooperation between the two countries, the types of trade goods are also increasing, the trade between the two countries more and more close.
China and Laos trade time is not long, so I think the study of China and Laos trade cooperation is necessary. Based on the current situation of trade between China and Laos, this paper starts from the two aspects of theory and practice, and points out that under the current situation, we will establish a unique trade area between China and Laos The necessity of. Moreover, the establishment of the old trade in the two countries to enhance the economic level, the stability of the domestic economy is of great significance. At the same time, China and Laos border, so that between the old and the elderly to form a virtuous circle of the market, not only can improve the domestic economic development in Laos, but also on the economic development of China's Yunnan region also promote the role.
Key Words: Coal;Import and export trade;Influencing factors
目 录
(一) 研究目的和意义 1
(二) 文献综述 1
(三) 主要研究内容 3
二、老挝与中国贸易的现状 4
(一)老挝经济现状 4
(二)中老贸易发展现状 4
(三)中老出口商品现状 5
(四)中老两国贸易发展的特点 6