关键词 股票预测 BP神经网络 MATLAB仿真 Levenberg-Marquardt算法
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title The study of stock price prediction based on Neutral Network
The stock market plays an important role in financial investment. With the economic growth and the conversion of people’s investment, stock has become an important part of people's life in modern time. However, the proceeds of stock investment always equal the risk, and the stock market is a very complex nonlinear dynamic system. The data of short-term is always discontinuity and shakes heavily with randomicity. Establishing a stock forecasting model, which has higher operation rate and precisian, has theoretical significance and applicable value.
The BPNN model has many merits such as nonlinear-mapping, getting approach to any function by any precision, strong ability of fault-tolerant, good at learning and better adaptiveness. In theory, it can be simulated within a certain range of accuracy of any nonlinear continuous function. The novelty of artificial neural network is that without understanding the cause of data, through the given training samples for machine training, we can establish the output and input variables of the function, and simulate the nonlinear process modeling. Using neutral network to forecast stock price is very appropriate.
According to the principle of stock prediction based on BP network, the stock is predicted by adopting improved BP algorithm and simulation experiments are conducted through MATLAB. At last, taking the stock price of 000001 for example, the established prediction model is trained and then its stock data are predicted using the trained network and good effect has been grained.
Keywords stock market forecasting model BP neutral network MATLAB Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 文献综述 1
1.3 本文主要的研究内容和手段 4
2 股票价格预测方法简介 6
2.1 股票预测面临的问题 6
2.2 股票预测分析方法 7
3 神经网络及BP算法 10
3.1 人工神经网络 10
3.2 BP神经网络 15
3.3 BP网络的改进 17
4 基于神经网络模型的股票预测 19
4.1 BP网络预测股票的步骤 19
4.2 基于BP的股票预测模型 19
4.3 利用matlab进行分析 20