毕业论文关键词 :巴西 农产品贸易 竞争性 互补性 比较优势
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Agricultural Product Trade Competitive and Complementary Analysis between China and Brazil
Abstract Agriculture is the base of human survival,and agriculture trade concerns the national economy and people’s livelihood 。Therefore, every country regard agriculture trade as the most important thing for policy and people good。 China and Brazil are both most populous countries as well as big agriculture countries。 However,climatic conditions and production conditions seems very differently between them two and these differences provide opportunities for agricultural trade。 Recent years, with the development of globalization, the deepening of cooperation between BRICS five countries, as well as the CPC eighteen years, China's economic opening degree increase, agricultural trade increase and be at a higher level of communication and Cooperation。 By derivation of competitive and complementary agricultural trade between the two countries, in the analysis of competitiveness, in this paper, the theory are market share index, revealed comparative advantage and trade competitiveness index, and in the complementary analysis , in this paper, the method of trade intensity index analysis, trade complementarity index analysis, analysis of intra-industry trade index。 Having reached a competitive and complementary, committed to put forward some suggestions and strategies for the development of China's agricultural trade, and make some bold ideas and look to the future
Keywords Brazil , Agriculture trade ,Competitive , Complementary
, Comparative Advantage
目 录
1引言 1
1。1 选题背景 1
1。2研究内容综述 2
1。3 文献综述 2
2 理论综述 5
2。1 比较优势理论的研究 5
2。2 国家竞争优势理论 6
2。3产业内贸易理论 7
2。4 竞合理论 8
3中国巴西农产品贸易竞争性分析 9
3。1 中国巴西农产品贸易市场占有率指数研究 10
3。2 中国巴西农产品贸易显示性比较优势研究 11
3。3 贸易竞争力指数研究