关键词: 安卓;手机点菜系统;Eclipse;设计与开发
Analysis and Design of Mobile Phone Order System
Abstract:This mobile phone order system is specifically analyzed and designed for android system. The mobile phone order system could make it possible for customers to order at any time in any place, and help restaurants to improve efficiency and cut costs. As an emerging smart phone App, the mobile phone order system was born with the fast development of mobile phone industry and the widely use of mobile phone network. This App is sure to benefit people’s lives in many aspects and therefore enjoys a bright future. The mobile phone order system was developed by Eclipse--a popular software basically using Java language. As for data base, SQLite is considered very helpful and easy to handle.This article by the analysis of the current status of mobile phone order system put forward the systematic plan to solve the problem. On this basis, the article describes the system's function, inner structure and the method of realization.
Keywords: Android; Analysis and Design of Mobile Phone Order System; Eclipse
一、绪论 1
(一)课题研究的目的与意义 1
(二) 课题研究背景 1
二、手机点菜系统的现状分析与未来发展趋势 3
(一)手机点菜系统现状分析 3
1.电脑网络点菜的发展 3
2.餐饮行业的发展及设备更新 3
3.手机移动终端及App的发展 4
(二)手机点菜系统未来趋势 4
三、 手机点菜系统建设的总体规划 6
(一) 系统需求分析 6
1. 提出问题 6
2. 分析问题 6
3. 软件需求分析 6
(二)目标使用者的确定和主要业务流程 7
1.目标使用者的确定 7
2. 手机点菜系统流程设计 7
3. 手机点菜系统设计思路 8
(三)特色模块 8
1.菜品类别模块 8
2.备注模块 9
(四)系统资源配置 9
1.硬件环境 9
2.软件环境: 10
3.手机点菜系统开发工具 10
(五)手机点菜系统主要框架 11
四、系统设计与关键功能模块的实现 13
(一)手机点菜系统概念设计 13
1.系统数据流程图: 13
2. 数据库设计: 14
(二)手机点菜系统功能模块 17
1.总体模块 17
2.点菜模块 18
3.订单模块 18
4.客户管理模块 20
5.用户登录系统 20
五、UI设计与用户体验 23
(一)UI设计 23
1.简介 23
2.UI设计的关键 23