关键词: B/S架构;MIS;生成器
Design about Cargo Handling Management Information System of Logistics Enterprise
Abstract: In today's era of rapid development of science and technology, the Internet has become an indispensible composition of our daily life. Now, almost every company focuses on cost control and improves operation efficiency and service. Cargo handling is an important activity of a logistics enterprise. In logistics distribution, cargo handling is an important content. So it is an important symbol different from general delivery. Cargo handling includes goods sorting, distributions, packaging, and other economic activities. Some people are responsible for cargo handling, but it may cause some problems such as errors and no efficiency. The target of my strategy development about cargo handling management information system of logistics enterprise is to improve efficiency, increase the efficiency and accuracy of logistics business activities and ease the workers. So I think it is worth to be popularized. It mainly adopts the MIS based on B/S architecture system and database tools of ACCESS, which makes the progress to be more operational.
Key words: B/S architecture; MIS; the Internet
目 录
一.物流企业理货管理信息系统规划设计绪论 1
(一) 物流企业理货管理信息系统的研究目的和意义 1
1.物流企业理货管理信息系统的研究目的 1
2. 物流企业理货管理信息系统的研究意义 1
(二) 物流企业理货管理信息系统的研究现状和发展趋势 1
1. 物流企业理货管理信息系统的现状 1
2. 物流企业理货管理信息系统的发展趋势 3
(三) 物流企业理货管理信息系统的可行性研究分析 3
1. 物流企业理货管理信息系统的技术可行性 3
2. 物流企业理货管理信息系统的经济可行性 4
3. 物流企业理货管理信息系统的操作可行性 4
二.物流管理企业理货信息系统规划设计企业流程 5
(一) 企业流程概述 5
1. 企业流程总介绍 5
2. 企业业务流程特征 5
3. 企业流程职能制 5
4. 企业业务流程的识别 5
(二) 物流企业理货业务处理流程 7
1. 理货员收货业务 7
2. 理货员发货业务 7
3. 理货信息系统功能规划和子系统划分 7
三.物流企业理货管理信息系统规划设计数据库 10
(一) 数据库管理技术 10
1. 数据库系统 10
2. 数据库管理系统 10
3. 数据库的保护功能 10
(二) 数据模型 10