摘 要:在计算机操作系统中,CPU是一种是重要的系统资源,如何在作业或进程之间合理分配CPU,来提高资源利用率,是操作系统资源管理中的一个重要问题。本文通过研究处理机在计算机操作系统特别是在win7系统下的工作机制,分析了CPU调度思想,设计了先来先服务、高优先权调度算法和时间片轮转三种常用的算法流程并编程实现了算法。最后对算法程序进行了测试。试验结果表明,算法设计正确,达到了CPU调度的需求。31628 毕业论文关键词:调度算法;进程调度;win7环境
Multiprogramming System Environment Analysis and Implementation of a CPU Scheduling Algorithm
Abstract :In computer operating system, the CPU is a kind of resource is an important system, how to reasonable allocation of CPU, between operation or process to improve the utilization rate of resources, is an important problem in the operating system resource management In this paper, by studying the processor in a computer operating system especially the working mechanism under the Windows 7 system, analyzes the CPU scheduling thought, designed the first come, first service High priority scheduling algorithm and time slice rotation of three kinds of commonly used algorithm process and the program can realized the algorithm Finally to test the test results show that the algorithm program algorithm design, right up to the CPU scheduling requirements.
Key Words: Scheduling algorithm; Process scheduling; Win7 environment
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