摘要:随着学校规模的不断扩大,学校学生的数量也不断的增加,学校的教学内容也变得更加的多样化,学生的专业信息和班级信息以及个人的学籍信息是一个巨大的信息量,面对如此庞大的信息量,一个学校的学生信息管理系统必须满足工作人员工作所需的基本功能以及对系统工作效率的需求,并且要求系统应具备较高的简捷性、安全性、稳定性和可靠性 ,这样才能满足教职工及其他工作人员的工作需要,才能实现高速有效的信息管理。只有在这样的基础之上,才有助于教育事业的发展,才能有科学先进的管理软件来提高高效管理水平,保证良好的教学质量。本次学生信息管理系统是主要运用Microsoft Visual Studio.NET2008开发工具,管理员可以进行学生档案信息的管理,学生的成绩信息的管理,学生课程信息的管理,学生缴费信息的管理,以及班级信息的管理,不同的用户身份具有不同的权限和功能。35660 毕业论文关键词:学生信息管理系统 ; C#.NET ; SQL2005
The design and implementation of student information management system
Abstract: With the continuous expansion of the size of the school, there has been a continuous increase in the number of students in the school, the teaching content of the school has become more perse, students of professional information and class information and personal registration information is a huge amount of information, in the face of such a huge amount of information, a school student information management system to meet the needs of the staff of the basic function and demand on the work efficiency of the system and system requirements should have higher simplicity, safety, stability and reliability, so as to meet the teaching staff and other industry and trade for personnel work needs, in order to achieve high speed and effective information management. Only on the basis of this, can it help the development of education, and can scientific advanced management software to improve the efficiency of the management level, guarantee the good teaching quality.. The student information management system is mainly using Microsoft Visual Studio.NET2008 development tools, and student information management system based on B / S architecture, management personnel can students archives information management, student achievement management, student information management, student fee information management, class information management, the different user identity with different authorities and functions.
Key Words: Student information management system ; C#.NET ;SQL2005