摘要:随着网络的普及,现在人们也越来越习惯利用网络来工作、娱乐和交流。同样,利用网络也能够扩大网球协会的影响、促进网球协会的发展,因此设计一个在线的网球社会的网站是十分必要的。本次毕业设计的任务是完成一个网球协会网站,利用该网站帮助社长对社员的管理和社员之间的交流。该网站由管理员和用户两个模块组成,其中,管理员模块包括论坛管理、留言板管理,新闻的编辑和发布、社员的管理等功能。用户模块包括社员论坛发帖、在线聊天室、预约,个人信息修改等功能。该网站前台采用HTML和PHP作为网页开发,后台采用MySql数据库存储数据,经测试证明该系统使用方便、安全稳定。37765 毕业论文关键词:网球协会;网站设计;数据库设计;系统测试
Design and Realization of the Tennis Association’s Website
Abstract: As the network developed, more and more people are accustomed to using the Internet to work, entertainment and communicate. We can extend the influence and development of tennis association by using internet. Therefore, it is necessary to design an online tennis website, which can help the president to manage members and members to communicate on the website. The site is composed of two modules: an administrator modules and a user module. The administrator module includes the functions of BBS management, message board management, editing and publishing of news, management of member and so on. The user module includes the functions of membership forum posting, online chat room, reservation, personal information and other functions. The website is designed by PHP, HTML and MySql database. The testing results show that the system is convenient, safe and stable.
Keywords: tennis association; website design; database design; software testing