摘要: 随着社会的发展,手机已经成为现在人们生活的必需品。过往人们通常通过记笔记、写便笺的来安排自己的生活,如今伴随着智能手机的普及以及技术的成熟,我们完全可以通过手机,来安排自己的日程。因此我选择了个人日程管理系统的开发。37771
本系统是基于android的应用程序,开发过程中使用了标准的SQLite数据库进行数据的存储管理,基本实现预定功能。 毕业论文关键词: Java;安卓;个人日程管理
Design and Development of Personal Schedule Management System Based on Android Platform
Abstract: With the development of the society, cell phones have become necessities of people's life now. People usually arranged their own life by taking notes or writing a memo in the past. Now with the popularity of smartphones and mature technology, we can through the phone to arrange our schedule. So I choose the personal schedule management system development.
The main purpose of daily management is to help people make full use of their time, so the main function of this system includes a calendar display, it can also add the schedule, mark the date and remind people to pay attention to their schedule. In order to help people plan their time more scientific , we introduce the time four quadrant method. The event is pided into four levels, we use different color to label. It can help people Improve the utilization efficiency of their time.
This system is based on the android applications. We use the standard SQLite database for data storage management during the development. Basically achieved the reservation function.
Keywords: Java; Android; Personal Schedule Management
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 安卓平台介绍 1
1.3.1 安卓平台优势 2
1.3.2 安卓的语言 2
1.3.3 安卓开发的现状 2
1.4 ANDROID系统的开发环境与相关技术 3
1.4.1 开发环境 3
1.4.2 开发软件简介 3
1.4.3 Android环境的搭建 3
2 分析 6
2.1 系统需求分析 6
2.2 系统概要设计 6
2.2.1 日历模块 7
2.2.2 日期选择模块 7
2.2.3 日期转换模块 7
2.2.4 日程管理模块 7
3 系统详细设计 9
3.1 日历显示界面 9
3.2 日程管理模块 11
3.2.1 数据库 11
3.2.2 任务界面 15
3.3 日期的跳转与查询 28
3.4 各界面底部菜单 31