关键词 反应时间检测 计算机动画 数据库 MFC
Title Employee response time testing evaluation system
The employee response time testing evaluation system is used to test the parameters of employee response time ,and give employee capacity evaluation on the basis of these parameters. For some industries, it has a very important application in the recruitment of employee.In the practical reality, a person's response time indicator , reflects the speed of response of the test of a stimulus or a specific problem.In order to real effectively reflect a staff for all aspects of the response ability,by using the knowledge of computer animation in Windows environment and the method of clicking the high-speed moving objects in the blank, test the parameters of employee response time and correct rate,and get the capacity evaluation.Then record these to database and could be checked commodiously. So certain industries could select the best employee straightforwardly and clearly.
Keywords Response time testing Computer animation Database MFC
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题意义 1
2 技术与工具概况 1
2.1 相关技术 1
2.1.1 MFC概述 1
2.1.2 数据库开发技术概述 3
2.1.3 计算机动画概述 4
2.2 MS SQL Server 2000 概述 5
3 系统需求分析 5
3.1 功能需求 5
3.2 性能需求 5
4 系统设计 6
4.1 系统功能模块 6
4.2 系统流程分析 6
4.3 系统用例图 7
4.4 数据库表的设计 8
5 系统功能的设计与实现 9
5.1 编写ADO封装类 9
5.1.1 CADODateBase类 9
5.1.2 CADORecordset类 10
5.2 检测MSSQLServer服务是否启动 13
5.3 连接数据库 14
5.4 员工登录 15
5.5 测试相关 18
5.6 管理员相关 22
5.7 测试参数设置 22
5.8 员工信息管理 23
6 系统测试 32
6.1 数据库连接 32