Design of vibratory roller rear frame and machine analysis
Abstract : Our roller , the overall technological level is still a gap compared with foreign countries , mainly in : Model insufficiency, heavy and super heavy-duty roller production quantity and variety is still small, the lack of special compaction equipment , comprehensive technical and economic indicators and automatic control remains lower than the international advanced level . This paper is intended to frame the relevant parameters and structural design , as well as the overall stability of the front and rear hinged frame and roller compactor after study analyzed so that it can achieve the desired working condition through research shorten the gap with foreign countries.
Computing and in-kind reference , this paper analyzes completed after YZ18 vibratory roller frame design and overall stability , determine the basic parameters before and after the frame is hinged frame design is a major part of the design of the theoretical analysis . Articulated steering resistance moment by moment , and the running resistance calculated by calculating an intermediate bearing shear forces and bending moments , the final calculated size of the hinge pin , and be checked bearings. The overall stability of the slope stability analysis and also traveling through the analysis of the final conclusion .
Keywords : vibratory roller;rear frame;cab;hood;articulate
1 绪论 5
1.1概述 5
1.2课题研究的目的与意义 6
2 文献综述 6
2.1 振动压路机的分类 6
2.2 压路机的压实原理 7
2.3 国外压路机与发展现状 8
2.4 国内压路机与发展现状 9
2.5 国内振动压路机和国外的差距 11
3 设计方案的论证 11
3.1 原始条件及数据 11
3.2 课题的主要内容 12
3.3 压路机车架选型 12
3.4 压路机的转向方式 14
3.4.1车轮转向式 14
3.4.2铰接式转向 14
3.5 压路机铰接机构选型 15
\3.5.1销套式铰接机构 15
3.5.2球铰式铰接机构 15
3.5.3圆锥滚子轴承式铰接机构 16
4 铰接机构计算与选型 17
5 压路机稳定性分析 21