摘要:从破碎机的现状来看,国内产品的机重高于国外,而且颚式破碎机的设计目前仍偏重于经验方法。随着计算方法与计算机技术的发展,在满足强度、刚度以及安全性能的前提下,对动颚结构设计进行优化,以减轻机重是一个可行的解决方案。从动颚水平位移的仿真结果可以看出动颚的水平行程较大,这样有利于破碎物料。沿动颚运动轨迹的运动方向有促进排料作用,所以在一定的程度上可以保证破碎机的生产效率。从动颚竖直位移仿真结果中也可以看出垂直的行程较大,从而导致衬板磨损较快,降低衬板的使用寿命,故复摆颚式破碎机一般用于中小型机型。但随着耐磨材料的不断发展,衬板耐磨性的提高,这种机型也逐渐向大型化方向发展。我的设计中主要研究复摆颚式破碎机的运动分析、V带的选择,鄂板、齿板磨损的分析,各种工作参数的选择,工作机构的优化。重点研究传动的设计和系统的优化。23569 毕业论文关键词: 复摆鄂式破碎机;传动;磨损
PEX-150×750fineJaw-fashioned Crusher
Abstract:The domestic use jaw type breaker type are very many, But common traditional duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher. The duplicate pendulum jaw type breaker appearance had more than 140 years history, And consummates and the improvement unceasingly after the people long-term practice, Its structure pattern and the organization parameter are day by day reasonable, The structure simple, the manufacture is easy, the work reliably, the service convenient, therefore in profession use and so on the metallurgy, mine, building materials, chemical industry, coal is extremely widespread. Along with the modernized development, various industry sector further grows to the broken crushed stone demand, studies the duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher to have the very vital significance. This graduation project mainly is for meets the production need: Feed head size: ; Discharge hole size: ; Feeding block greatest size: ; Output: .Mainly studies the duplicate pendulum Jaw-fashioned Crusher the movement analysis, V belt choice, the analysis which the Jaw-fashioned Crusher, the toothed rack wears, each kind of operational parameter choice, operating mechanism optimization. Key research transmission design and system optimization.
KeyWords:Jaw-fashioned Crusher Transmission Abrasion
目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 介绍1
1.2 分类1
1.3 优缺点1
1.4 研发的目的意义2
1.5 发展史5
1.5.1 国外发展5
1.5.2 国内发展6
2 设计8
2.1 工作原理及类型8
2.1.1 简单摆动型8
2.1.2 复杂摆动型9
2.1.3 混合摆动型9
2.2 规格及型号10
3 主要参数及计算10
3.1 参数计算11
3.1.1 钳角α的设计11
3.1.2 动颚摆动行程s与偏心轴的偏心距r12
3.1.3 破碎腔的高度H16
3.1.4 v带的设计17
3.1.5 飞轮的设计19
3.1.6 动颚轴径与轴承计算19
3.2 传动方案的选择20
3.2.1 (腔形、动颚摆动、传动)方案选择20
3.2.2 两种破碎机的结构比较24
3.3 电动机的选择26
3.4 主要部件设计26
3.4.1 机架结构设计26
4 主要零件的结构设计30
4.1 结构设计30
4.1.1 动颚结构设计30
4.2 强度校核35
4.2.1 偏心轴的强度校核35
5 操作说明及文修40
5.1 破碎机启动前的准备40