摘要 化学品全船在球化的市场中起着运输绝大部分化学品的重要责任。本文以25000DWT化学品船为设计对象,该船共有24个液货舱,左右舷相对的两个液货舱为一组,分为12组,能够运载12种不同的化学品。
AbstractThe chemical whole ship plays an important role in the transportation of most chemicals in the balling Market。This paper takes 25000DWT chemical tanker as the design object,the ship has 24 cargo tanks, with two cargo tanks opposite each other。 They are pided into 12 groups, capable of carrying 12 different chemicals。
The main task of this paper is to design the heating system of 25000DWT chemical tanker cargo tank。 The temperature of the chemicals needs to be maintained at 44 -66 c。The heating coil temperature is generally kept at 170 degrees centigrade。The whole ship cabin capacity the largest selection of No。 10 tank as the main object of study, the cabin volume is calculated by 1855。63cubic metre, heating area of 55。7 square meters, the length of the heating coil for 294m。 The calculation and selection of the main equipment such as hot oil boiler and circulating oil pump in the whole cargo tank heating system are completed。 The insulation and installation technology of the heating system in the cargo tank are discussed。
KEYWORDS:Chemical tanker,Liquid cargo system,Hot oil,Heating system
1绪论 1
1。1化学品船液货加热系统设计的研究背景 1
1。3 25000WT化学品船主要研究内容 2
1。4化学品船的特点 2
2化学品船热油加热系统的概述 4
2。1热油系统组成 4
2。1。1热油系统的工作原理 4
2。1。2热油系统的工作流程 4
2。2热油加热系统分类 4
2。2。1热油加热系统型式 4
2。2。2加热系统的导热油油柜及附属系统的设计 9
2。2。3热油系统的报警安全系统 9
3燃油热油加热系统的设计与选型 12
3。1系统的设计与选型 12
3。1。1热油系统的原理与组成 12
3。1。2燃油热油锅炉的设计与选型 12
3。1。4热油循环泵的设计和选型 15
3。1。5导热油油柜的设计与选型 17
3。2燃油热油加热系统管系设计与选型 19
3。2。1管径的基本设计 19
3。2。2系统管路壁厚的计算 20