关键词 滚筒 迷宫密封 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title Design of the Sealing Part in the Ends of the Roller
The roller with large diameter is widely used in drying and pyrolysis engineering. And the sealing part in the ends of the roller has great influence on the efficiency and the safety of the system. I firstly learned the basic construction
of the drum dryer and the basics of the labyrinth seal.And I find that the labyrinth seal is the core of this design.I study on the features of the labyrinth seal and concludes them from the former study that other scholars did.I get the
kind of the labyrinth seal that is suitable for this design. I analysis various factors that affect the sealing efficiency and give the solution and the design
to each one of them. The final design comes out with the considerations of various factors. And give the Calculation Method to this design.
Keywords roller labyrinth seal
目 次
1 引言(或绪论) 1
2 设计背景 4
2.1 滚筒烘干机的简单介绍 4
2.2 滚筒烘干机的几种密封结构 4
2.3 迷宫密封的原理 5
2.4迷宫密封的计算综述 5
2.4.1 Egli计算法 6
2.4.2 Kearton计算法 6
2.4.3 Somerling计算法 7
2.4.4 Stodola计算法 8
2.4.5 迭代法 8
3针对迷宫密封影响因素的设计过程 9
3.1总体结构形式的影响以及设计选择 9
3.2 节流间隙形状及尺寸的选择 10
3.3 涡流空腔形状及尺寸选择 11
3.4 节流齿数的选择 12
3.5 齿倾角的选择 14
3.6 流动方向 14
3.7 温度和压力条件 15
3.8 在末端鱼鳞片结构的加入 16
4 本次设计的密封泄漏量计算方法 17
4.1 计算方法 17
4.2 计算过程 18
结 论 20
致 谢 21
1 绪论
1. 加热装置 2. 加料装置 3. 托轮装置 4. 干燥体 5. 传动装置