摘 要 20世纪50年代,固体火箭在技术上取得突破,并广泛应用于弹道导弹和运载火箭。20世纪60年代起,国外在可控推力固体火箭发动机的理论和实验研究方面作了大量的工作,探索出了很多技术途径和设计方案。固体火箭发动机具有使用安全性好、可靠性高、储存性能好、密度比冲高及勤务处理方便等优点,使其在战略、战术导弹武器领域内成为主要的动力装置。脉冲固体火箭发动机是兴起于20世纪末期的新型固体火箭发动机,它的出现为推进系统的发展开辟了新的发展方向,在航天和军事领域都有着潜在的应用价值。本论文主要研究双脉冲火箭发动机总体结构、装药结构设计、燃烧室设计、喷管设计、点火装置设计以及内弹道计算。通过对双脉冲固体火箭发动机的设计了解了双脉冲固体火箭发动机的结构以及关键技术,为研制高性能固体火箭发动机奠定坚实的基础。6013
关键词 脉冲固体火箭发动机 动力装置 总体结构 装药结构
Title Double Pulse Solid Rocket Motor Design
In the 1950's, the solid rocket breakthrough a lot in the technical field , and the solid rocket motor are widely used in ballistic missiles and launch vehicles. In the 1960's, the foreign countries made a great mass of works in theoretical and experimental studies of controllable thrust solid rocket motor to explore a lot of technical approaches and designs. Solid rocket motor with the advantage of security, reliability, and storage performance density than the ascribed and service processing advantages of convenience, it become a major power plant in the strategic field of tactical missiles weapons. Pulse solid rocket motor is a new type of solid rocket motor which risen in the late 20th century, its propulsion system development has opened a new direction of development, have potential applications in the aerospace and military fields. This paper mainly studies the dual-pulse rocket engine general structure, propellant structure design, the combustion chamber design, nozzle design, the ignition system design and interior ballistic calculation. The purpose of designing dual-pulse solid rocket motor is to understand the structure and key technology of dual-pulse solid rocket motor, and lay a solid foundation for the development of high-performance solid rocket motor.
Keywords Pulse solid rocket motor Power plant The overall structure Propellant structure
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景 1
1.2 相关领域的研究进展 2
1.3 固体火箭发动机的基本组成 4
1.4 本论文的主要工作 6
2 发动机总体设计 8
2.1 课题设计要求 8
2.2 发动机结构 8
2.3 推进剂的选择 8
2.4 燃烧室壳体材料的选择 9
2.5 发动机主要设计参数的选择 10
3 发动机推进剂药型设计 15
3.1 药型的选择 15
3.2 药柱的基本参数 16
3.3 药柱尺寸的确定 16
4 发动机燃烧室设计 20
4.1 燃烧室的结构以及尺寸 20
4.2 前封头设计 21
4.3 级间隔板设计 21
4.4 连接螺纹的设计 23
4.5 挡药板设计 24
4.6 密封结构 25