摘要常压潜水装具(Atmospheric Diving Suits,简称 ADS)是一种拟人形的载人水下作业装具,装具内部保持一个标准大气压,可将一名操作员送到水下而作业无需考虑减压问题,提高了反复下潜的能力,延长了水下作业时间。随着陆地资源的枯竭,海洋资源的开发已经愈来愈受到各个国家的高度重视, 作为一种方便灵活的的水下作业装备,常压载人潜具已成为人类探索和开发海洋的重要装备。国内常压载人潜具技术相比国外,还不够成熟,在下潜深度和作业灵活度上还有很大的差距。为提高常压载人潜具的性能,其作业作为潜具的重要组成部分,它的结构设计也直接决定了潜器作业的能力,效率及安全。本课题着眼于当前我国常压载人潜具所面临的问题, 对母型关节的结构和性能进行优化,并且完成新型肘关节的结构设计。首先是对母型肘关节存在的问题分析,母型肘关节在测试中存在的转动扭矩过大,转动不灵活,密封性不够等问题。然后,从结构角度去分析它的不足,如轴承结构中的单列的钢球排列方式,及刀口结构。接着分析造成此种缺陷的原因,由于原轴承无法定位造成缸体倾斜和偏移,使得刀口受力不均,产生缝隙。接下来,进行结构设计和优化,为实现潜水员可在水下正常作业,保证水下作业人员的人身安全, 提高工作效率, 肘关节应具有良好的灵活性和密封性。完成设计之后,对所设计的方案进行三维建模。最后,对设计的肘关节结构进行计算校核,以验证方案的合理性。最终应实现肘关节转动扭矩的减小,以及保证轴承稳定性和刀口的密封性。61811
Abstract Atmospheric ping suit (Atmospheric Diving Suits, referred to as ADS) is a kind ofmanned underwater equipment of human form. The standard atmospheric pressure can beheld in the harness.An operator can work without underwater regard to decompressionproblems,improving the ability to ping repeatedly and extending the time of operatingunderwater.With the depletion of land resources, development of marine resources hasincreasingly received great attach of various countries.As a convenient and flexibleunderwater operation equipment,Atmospheric Diving Suits has become the importantequipment for human exploration and exploitation of ocean.Domestic technology ofAtmospheric Diving Suits compared to other countries, is not mature enough. There is abig gap in the pe depth of operation and flexible degree. In order to improve theperformance of Atmospheric Diving Suits,its elbow as an important component, thestructure of the elbow directly determines the working capacity, efficiency and safety.This paper focuses on the current the problems faced by the Atmospheric DivingSuits,optimizing the structure and properties of the original elbow,and completing thestructure design of a new type of elbow joint. The first step is to analyze the defect of theoriginal elbow joint.The rotation torque in the test is too large,and the elbow do not rotateflexibly and tightly enough. The next step is to analyze its shortcomings in structure, suchas the single row arrangement of the balls in the bearing,and the structure of edge. Thenanalyze the causes of the defects, because the original bearing moves and the body tiltsand offsets which makes the edge withstand uneven stress, creating a gap.Next,start thestructure design and optimization of the elbow joint.In order to achieve normal underwateroperation of pers,ensure the safety of pers and improve work efficiency,elbow shouldhave good flexibility and tightness.After the design,the three-dimensional modeling shouldbe made on the basis of design. Finally, stress intensity of the elbow should be calculatedand checked to ensure the system rationality.It should be realizing a reduction in a rotatingtorque of elbow joint, and ensure the stability of the bearing and the edge sealing.










