摘要: 机械手的迅速发展是由于它的积极作用正日益为人们所认识;其一、它能部分代替人工操作;其二、它能按照生产工艺的要求,遵循一定的程序、时间和位置来完成工作的传送和装卸;其三,它能操作必要的机具进行焊接和装配。从而大大的改善工人的劳动条件,显著的提高劳动生产率,加快实现工业生产机械化和自动化的步伐。因而,受到各先进工业国家的重视,投入大量的人工物力加以研究和应用。尤其在高温、高压、粉压、噪音以及带有放射性的污染的场合,应用得更为广泛。8842
关键词: 机械手;积极作用;应用
Hydraulic Manipulator
Abstract: The fast development of the manipulator is known by people gradually for its positive effect nowadays.First,it can partly replace the manual operation .On the second place,Follow certain procedures,time and location,the transfer,loading and unloading work can be finished by it,according to the requirements of the production process.Thirdly,It can assemble and weld the necessary equipment.Thus the working condition can be improved greatly,labour productivity can be raised significantly,and the industrial production mechanization and automation can be realized.In that condition,it receives a lot of attension from industrialized countries which put many labour and material resources in study and application,especially the occasion of high temperature,high pressure,noise and radioactive pollution.
KeyWords: manipulator;positive effect;application
序号 图纸名称 图号 纸张大小 备注
1 液压机械手装配图 JXS-01 A0
2 手臂伸长液压缸 JXS-02 A1
3 手臂回转液压缸 JXS-03 A1
4 上缸盖 JXS-04 A2
5 下缸盖 JXS-05 A2
6 底座 JXS-06 A3
7 液压缸筒 JXS-07 A3
8 导向套 JXS-08 A3
9 手臂伸缩导向杆 JXS-09 A4
10 手臂升降导向杆 JXS-10 A4
11 液压系统原理图 JXS-11 A1
12 PLC逻辑控制 JXS-12 A1
13 PLC梯形图 JXS-13 A2
1 绪论-1
1.2 机械手的发展现状-1
1.3 机械手的发展趋势-2
1.4 方案论证-3
1.4.1 设计参数3
1.4.2 本设计预计达到的目的-3
1.4.4 本课题的技术方案3
2 机械手手部结构设计及计算4
2.1.1 工作原理-5
2.2 机械手手爪的设计计算-5
2.3 驱动系统7
3 腕部结构的设计计算-7
3.1 腕部设计的结构选择和基本要求7
3.2.2 手腕的驱动力矩计算9
4.1 结构要求-15