毕业论文关键词:中心回转式 清仓机 液压系统
The design of hydraulic system of rotary cleaning machine center
Abstract Bunker as coal production and transportation to the intermediate storage device, coal constant input and output of coal bunker。 Due to moisture and other impurities in raw contain, with the passage of time, coal will be under high pressure on the wall of the chamber to form a layer of bonding material。 The bond from the bunker wall surface is uneven, which not only hinders the flow of coal in the bunker, but also reduce the coal bunker of the effective space, reduces the efficiency of production, so the coal bunker to regular cleaning。
The traditional coal cleaning is by manual cleaning, the cleaning way not only the efficiency is low, but also has certain risk, there have been many workers died in the real case。 And with the development and progress of science and technology of the people's Republic of China, the Machinery production more and more tend to be more and more automated。, the traditional cleaning method obviously does not meet the production needs of large coal mine。 The birth of mine clearance robot is to cater to the high work efficiency, high safety of the trend, not only improve the productivity of coal mine, and the liberation of the high intensity of human labor。
Design and research of the center of the rotary hydraulic clearance machine broke the traditional manual clearance limit, make mine workers are no longer subject to heavy manual labor and harsh working environment plagued。 Clearing robot also greatly improve the work efficiency
Center rotary clearing machine hydraulic system is designed in this paper。 The hydraulic system altogether can be pided into four loop, loop of working mechanism, support mechanism circuit, concretion mechanism and slewing mechanism circuits。 In this paper, the use of conventional calculation method of the hydraulic system key components and auxiliary components were design, selection and calculation, and checking of key components。
There are 17 figures, 5 tables and 49 references in this paper。
Key words: rotary center clearing machine hydraulic system
摘要 I
Abstract II