    关键词   企业社会责任  慈善捐赠  利益相关者满意度  财务绩效
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   Corporate social responsibility, stakeholder  satisfaction and financial performance   --- Based on the empirical research of Chinese listed companies
     Abstract Since the 1960s,the relationship between CSR and financial performance has been the hot topic.This paper we pide the CSR into two level that is economic responsibility  and charitable responsibility. We take the 43 A-share companies that donate in the YUSHU earthquake for samples to studied the relationship between economic responsibility and charitable responsibility and financial performance  respectively. We find that the relationship between satisfactory of creditors and FP is positively significant ,so is the satisfactory of supplier ,while the relationship between satisfactory of customer and FP is negative. The relationship between charitable responsibility and FP is not significant .But when the  customer satisfaction is low ,the relationship between charitable donations and financial performance is  significant negative. While if the customer satisfaction is high, the charitable donations and financial performance positive  significant. If the satisfactory of Creditors is low ,the correlation of charitable donations and financial performance is negatively .If the satisfaction of supplier is high ,charitable donations and financial performance is positively correlated.
    Keywords  Corporate social responsibility     Charitable donations   stakeholder satisfaction           financial performance
    1  引言    1
    2  企业社会责任概念及现状    1
    3  利益相关者概念及内容    2
    4  企业社会责任与财务绩效的关系    3
    4.1  理论综述    3
    4.2  实证分析    3
    4.2.1  国外文献综述    3
    4.2.2  国内文献综述    4
    5  研究设计    7
    5.1  研究假设    7
    5.2  研究变量    8
    5.3  数据来源与选择    9
    5.4  模型的构建    10
    6  实证分析    10
    6.1  描述性统计    10
    6.2  相关性分析    11
    6.2  回归分析    11
    6.2.1  经济责任与财务绩效回归分析    11
    6.2.2  慈善捐赠与财务绩效回归分析    13
    7  研究结论与启示    15
    致  谢    16
    参考文献    17
    1   引言
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