    摘要近年来,我国经济发展迅速,投资在我国经济平稳快速增长中起了重要作用。然而,投资也并非全是效率的。非效率投资这种投资行为与传统财务理论下合理投资的表现形式相背离,公司实施了一些净现值为负的投资项目,同时也可能会少作用于一些净现值为正的投资项目。一个企业要想生存以及发展,投资在其中起着至关重要的作用,因此,对于非效率投资的研究,有着一定的现实意义。企业的非效率投资行为主要是由几种因素造成的,那便是信息不对称和委托代理等因素,所谓的公司治理其实就是为缓解信息不对称和委托代理而引入的一系列制度安排。在现代企业的公司制度中,董事会已经成为了治理的关键,同时他也是治理的核心区域。所以,作为关键因素的董事会对公司治理必然产生了重要的影响,能够在一定程度上缓解代理问题和信息不对称,进而会影响到公司的投资决策。 19299
    关键词  董事会特征  非效率投资  公司治理
    Title    An Empirical Study of the board characteristics of inefficient investment Behavior                 
    In recent years, China's rapid economic development, stable and rapid
    economic growth in China has played an important role in investment.
    However, the investment is not all  efficiency.  Inefficient investment as
    the company's investment behavior deviates from the traditional financial
    theory forms a reasonable investment that the company did not fully
    implement positive NPV investment projects, or the implementation of a
    number of negative NPV  investment projects. Investment for an
    enterprise’s  survival and development,  it plays a vital  role,  therefore, 
    for the study of non-efficiency of  investment,  has some practical
    significance.  Enterprise inefficient investment behavior is mainly due to
    asymmetric information and agency triggered by factors such as corporate
    governance is to alleviate asymmetric information and agency introduced
    a series of institutional arrangements. Modern corporate system, the
    critical and core governance is the board. Accordingly, the Board is an
    important part of corporate governance, through the impact on corporate
    governance, thereby alleviating the problem of asymmetric information and
    agency , thereby affecting inefficient investment behavior. 
    This article will  board characteristics and inefficient investment company
    as a research topic of this paper. In the actual context, the Board of
    Directors of the Company inefficient investment characteristics  is
    affected, and what impact. Through theoretical and empirical analysis using a combination of the Board discussed the characteristics of the
    macroscopic overall characteristics : Impact features independent
    directors  ,   board size and characteristics of the excitation
    characteristics of the three dimensions of listed companies inefficient
    investment behavior ,and made possible improved methods.
    Keywords  Board characteristics  Inefficient investments   Enterprise value
     目   次 
    1  绪论   1
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