    摘要: 本文先通过阐述食品安全与企业社会责任的密切关系,引出我国目前频频出现食品安全问题与食品企业社会责任的缺失有联系,从中对于现在家禽业萎缩的现状通过对行内方向标的大成食品进行分析,从大成食品有限责任公司在业务流程中融入企业社会责任的研究中提出相关问题的建议和对其他企业的启示。本文不仅介绍了大成食品企业所处的社会、经济等背景、企业家的理念等,而且重点介绍大成食品在履行企业社会责任中存在的问题与建议。目前,在中国食品安全事件频频被曝光的大环境下,企业应该对履行企业社会责任中的不道德行为进行反思并采取积极的处理方式,能让消费者安心地食用其产品。最后,本文对上述在业务流程中履行企业社会责任的问题提出相应的建议。希望通过对大成食品的企业社会责任研究,能让更多的相关食品企业从中得到借鉴和学习,进一步改善我国食品行业的食品安全问题。4576
    The Research of Dachan’s Corporate Social Responsibility
    Abstract: First of all, this paper sets forth that the food safety is closely connected with the corporate social responsibility. Secondly, we find out that food safety issues always happening is related with the lack of food corporate social responsibility. At the then, through the analysis of integrating the business process of Dachan with the CSR, which is one of the industry leaders, some advice will be given to Dachan and the other companies. Next, This paper is not only introduce Dachan’s social or economy environment, entrepreneur concept and so on, but also put emphasis on finding out the problems and making suggestions when Dachan is practicing the corporate social responsibility. Nowadays, Due to a lot of the food safety accidents have been reported, wrongdoing will make enterprises rethink profoundly and take positive action, which will let consumers eat the food securely. Finally, there is hope that through the analysis of this paper points to the Dachan’s corporate social responsibility, more and more Chinese enterprises can learn something from it and also bring some help for them in improving food safety problem in this industry.
    Keywords:  Food Safety;CSR;Dachan’s Food;Corporate Business Process
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    引言    1
    一、食品安全与食品社会责任    2
    (一)食品安全与企业社会责任的密切关系    2
    (二)我国食品安全与企业社会责任的现状    4
    二、影响大成食品履行企业社会责任的因素分析    6
    (一)外部因素分析    6
    1、大成食品所处的社会环境背景    6
    2、大成食品所处的经济环境背景    6
    3、大成食品所处的法律环境背景    6
    4、大成食品所处的文化环境背景    7
    5、大成食品所处的技术环境背景    7
    (二)内部因素分析    7
    1、大成食品企业自身属性要求    7
    2、企业家的理念与素质要求    8
    3、利益相关者对大成食品的社会责任期望    8
    三、大成食品业务流程管理中企业社会责任的融入研究    9
    (一)自建来源透明体系    9
    (二)建立契约农户制度    10
    (三)加大市场分销网络    10
    四、大成食品履行社会责任过程中存在的问题与建议    11
    (一)指导方针的准确    11
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