    [毕业论文关键词]:企业并购   并购动机   财务分析   风险控制
     The feasibility analysis of Enterprise acquisitions
    Abstract:Bring about economic profits for enterprises, mergers and acquisitions in at the same time also is full of risks. Companies want to rapid expansion, mergers and acquisitions are often a shortcut, successful m&a can bring economies of scale, at the same time also can improve the company's market position, find a new direction for the company's future development and provide the new power. To successfully implement mergers and acquisitions, the key is the production status of m&a enterprises before m&a, finances, and mergers and acquisitions can bring benefit to make full consideration, and also make accurate judgment to the risks of mergers and acquisitions. Through technical and economic feasibility analysis of the merger and acquisition scheme, reasoning, to determine the feasibility of mergers and acquisitions.In this paper, in the first chapter of this research selected topic background and the research train of thought, the second chapter mainly introduces the concept of mergers and acquisitions, type, motivation and effect, etc. The third chapter is based on the theory of feasibility analysis and the basic method, xu mining group it is mined here ping lu Ann after merger, acquisition and reorganization shanxi coal co., LTD., the feasibility has carried on the comprehensive and profound analysis.
    Key Words:Enterprise acquisitions,  M&a motives,  Financial analysis, Risk control
    目 录
    一、引言    1
    (一)选题背景介绍    1
    (二)论文主要内容和研究思路    2
    二、企业并购概述    2
    (一)并购的概念    2
    (二)并购的形式    3
    (三)并购的分类    3
    (四)并购的动因    5
    (五)并购技术经济可行性分析    6
    (优尔)风险分析与对策研究    6
    三、徐矿集团并购山西朔州平鲁后安煤炭公司可行性研究    6
    (一) 双方企业简介、并购重组动机分析    6
    (二)并购重组的目标公司经营现状    7
    (三)企业并购方案及投入效益分析    10
    (四)并购风险分析及对策    18
    (五)研究结论及建议    20
    四、结语    20
    参考文献    22
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