    ABSTRACT Enterprises want to survive or seek developments in the competitive market environment,in addition to the abundant funds,advanced technology and so on,the most inseparable from the theme is the management,and the cost control bears the important role in the great range of management.Liquor is indispensable food of Chinese life,as well as penetrating China several thousands years civilization of spiritual product.In order to improve the cost management control problems,to reduce the enterprise cost and to enhance economic efficiency,adjust measures to local condition to establish a scientific and effective cost control has become an urgent research problem. This article mainly through analyzing the current situation of cost control of Gujing liquor,respectively from five perspectives,including the human resources cost,procurement cost,production cost,cost of sales and inventory cost to find out the problems existing in the company,and comprehensively analyzed in detail,put forward the solution of the corresponding to various aspects of reliable measures,so as to put forward effective suggestions for liquor-making industry.I hope these advises can improve the company’s economic benefits and market competitiveness,and hope to be able to do something helpful to the cost control of liquor-making industry.
    Key words:Cost control;cost accounting;Gujing liquor;analysis;measures
    目  录
    摘要    Ⅰ
    第一章  成本控制基本理论    1
     1.1成本控制的含义    1
     1.2成本控制的构成要素    1
     1.3成本控制的基本原则    1
     1.4成本控制的重要性    2
    第二章  白酒行业成本控制的现状    3
     2.1白酒行业的特点    3
     2.2白酒行业成本控制的现状    3
    第三章  古井贡酒成本控制案例的分析    4
     3.1古井贡酒的简介    4
     3.2古井贡酒公司的成本构成    4
     3.3古井贡酒的成本核算现状    4
     3.4古井贡酒的成本控制现状    5
    第四章  古井贡酒成本控制存在的问题及原因分析    8
     4.1人力资源成本控制的问题及原因分析    8
     4.2采购成本控制的问题及原因分析    9
     4.3生产成本控制的问题及原因分析    9
     4.4销售成本控制的问题及原因分析    11
     4.5存货成本控制的问题及原因分析    12
    第五章  古井贡酒成本控制中存在问题的解决措施    13
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