    On the Money Control
    Abstract:monetary fund control is always the end of the internal control. To summarize the experience and lessons of Corporate Money Control, improve and strengthen corporate Money Control, I chose this research. This paper argues that the enterprises to establish a monetary fund internal control should follow a lawful and applicable principles, the principle of cost-effectiveness, incompatible duties phase separation principle, the principle of checks and balances, the principle of limiting access to. In order to effectively implement Corporate Money Control, the responsible persons should take the lead and supervise the implementation of the internal control system shall be equipped with both ability and political integrity officer in the execution of internal control, should continue to check and improve the internal control system, should strictly abide by the bank settlement discipline. Establish an effective segregation of duties control of the enterprise's cash, we must strengthen the checks and balances between the accounting clerk and treasurer, chairman and general manager. To strengthen the control of monetary funds authorized to approve, we must correctly handle the relationship between general authorization and a special authorization, personal authorization and collective licensing relationship, strengthen the checks and balances of a pen. To improve the monetary fund accounting system control, to ensure payment and collection of original documents so that someone not only to the acquisition, storage, use, registration, but also to strengthen the inventory verification, to ensure the safety and integrity; the closing payment method should be used whenever transfer and settlement, centralized receivables, it is necessary to strictly limit the income or sit; currency funding requirements strictly limited to contacts outside the cashier a really good job day-to-day audit and inspection of the currency of the receipt and expenditure of funds, called for the strengthening of the custody of the seal, use and control of the records. To effectively emphasis on the monetary funds of the internal audit control, internal audit an important part of building as an internal control, internal audit institutions to do good on the supervision and bank account reconciliation
    Key words:cash on inventory; reconciliation of bank accounts; positions relative to the principle of separation。
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