    Management Accounting Tools In the Banking Industry
    Abstract:  Since China's accession to the WTO, and the world economic exchanges frequently, the Chinese economy has become part of the world economy, at present, management accounting tools to improve the core competitiveness of commercial banks in most countries, to obtain the same industry competitive advantage and maximize the value of the inevitable choice, in order to better integrate with the world economy, China's commercial banks in the transition process, organizational structure, business model continue to adjust the pision of duties and responsibilities of the responsibility system is not yet clear, the situation is more complicated, more difficult to predict, therefore, the application management accounting tool, to have a forward-looking thinking in terms of architecture design, system design, logic flow, technical support and data interface to take full account of the possibilities of the future, in order to adapt to the needs of the world economic exchanges. The new concept of management accounting tools and advanced accounting culture will permeate all aspects that affect the development of the bank, to the bank's business development, risk prevention, information management, personnel training, pose serious challenges.
    Key Words: Management Accounting Tools; Bank; Risk
    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究的背景及意义    1
    1、研究的背景    1
    2、研究的意义    2
    (二)研究的现状    2
    (三)研究的方法及内容    4
    二、管理会计工具的概述    5
    (一)管理会计工具的概念及类型    5
    (二)管理会计工具在中国的发展前景    5
    三、中国银行上海分行管理会计工具应用中存在的问题    7
    (一)企业意识淡薄    7
    (二)会计人员素质低    7
    (三)会计电算化应用程度低    8
    (四)管理会计工具知识陈旧    8
    (五)管理会计工具实施力度不够    8
    四、加强管理会计工具在银行应用的对策    10
    (一)加快中国银行上海分行现代化体制改革    10
    (二)培养中国银行上海分行领导的管理会计工具意识    10
    (三)提高管理会计工具人员的素质    11
    (四)管理会计工具信息化    11
    (五)提高管理会计工具的人本管理    11
    五、管理会计工具新发展的启示    13
    (一)银行环境与管理会计工具理论发展相辅相成    13
    (二)控制过程与注重结果并重    13
    (三)与财务会计系统适当分离    13
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