     Analysis of baogang Ltd financial report
    Abstract:Due to the excessive repetition construction formed production capacity can not be fully utilized and the effective release of excess capacity, become a mishap, which constitute the manufacturing industry of our country. Statistical data published by the Ministry of industry and information display, the 24 industry in China, there is a serious excess capacity of 22 industry, iron and steel industry is a large excess capacity.
    The choice of rank 22 (ref. 1) of Baotou Steel shares of the company's financial situation, the thesis has carried out analysis and the combination of industry and comprehensive factors. Through financial analysis, financial statements and other information as the basis and starting point, using a special method will be a large number of report data into specific useful decision-making information, the financial situation and the changes of system analysis and evaluation of enterprise's past and present, the operating results, aimed at understanding the past, now, future evaluation, help interest group improve decision making. The results of financial analysis is to evaluate the solvency, profitability and ability to resist risks, or find out the existing problems
    Prepare financial statement analysis work, can the correct evaluation of the enterprise's financial position, operating results and cash flow situation, reveal the enterprise future returns and risks; can check the budget completion of assessment, management performance, to help establish a sound incentive mechanism and reasonable
    Key Words:Financial analysis; financial status; operating results; cash flow; countermeasures and suggestions
    一、 绪论    1
    (一) 行业背景简介    1
    (二) 公司情况简介    1
    1、 公司简介    1
    2、 公司经营战略和策略    2
    (三) 财务分析目的    2
    二、 财务指标分析    3
    (一) 偿债能力分析    3
    1、 偿债能力分析指标    3
    2、偿债能力行业分析    7
    (二)资产营运能力分析    7
    1、 资产营运能力分析指标    7
    2、 资产营运能力行业分析    10
    (三) 盈利能力分析    10
    1、盈利能力分析指标    10
    2、盈利能力行业分析    13
    (四)发展能力分析    13
    1、发展能力分析指标    13
    2、发展能力行业分析    15
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