摘 要:实验是初中生物学教学的重要组成部分,是实施探究性学习的重要内容。新课程标准对于初中七年级学生实验能力的发展提出了许多具体要求。笔者通过对苏北地区部分中学生物实验课程开展情况进行调查,发现大部分学生对生物实验课程态度积极,参与热情高,教师对实验课程重视,但是实验课时数目较少,不能满足学生对于实验课程的需求。结合调研结果,笔者结合苏科版生物实验教材,对如何更加有效地开展七年级生物实验课程和如何培养七年级学生的生物实验能力提出了充分信任学生、精心设计实验等具体的建议。93177
Abstract:Biological experiment is an important part of biology, is the main content of inquiry learning。 It is both a process and a method that helps to improve students 'scientific literacy and cultivate students' comprehensive abilities。 With the implementation of the new curriculum standard, the status of biological experiment teaching is increasing day by day, and the students' biological experiment ability has become an important part of junior middle school biology teaching。 The seventh grade students, as a continuum of maturity and childishness, have developed in the accuracy and generalization of perception。 They can not only keenly observe the details, and good at seizing the main features of things。 The development of logical thinking ability and abstract thinking ability has provided favorable conditions for the cultivation of students' scientific inquiry ability。 The biometric ability of the seventh graders depends, on the one hand, on genetic factors and on the other by environmental factors, which depends to a large extent on the guidance of schools and teachers。 After six months of observation and study, the author visited some secondary schools in northern Jiangsu, using the questionnaire and interview survey method to Lianyungang a middle school sophomore students biological experimental course and the attitude of the experimental course was investigated, found Most of the students have a positive attitude towards the bio-experiment curriculum, and they are very enthusiastic。 They think that the teachers pay more attention to the experimental courses, but the number of experimental hours is less and can not meet the students' demand for experimental courses。 Combined with the results of the study, the author of the current use of Jiangsu Province, Suke version of the biological experimental textbook content of a simple analysis of how to more effectively carry out the seventh grade bio-experimental courses and how to cultivate the seventh grade students biological experimental ability put forward their own views And recommendations。源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766
Keywords:seventh grade biology course, experimental ability,train,make a thorough inquiry
目 录
1 前言 6
2 初中生物实验教学的地位 6
3 初中生物实验开展的形式 6
4 苏教版七年级生物实验教材分析 8
5 七年级初中生物实验课程开展现状 12
6 七年级学生的生物实验能力及其对生物实验课程态度的探究及分析 13
7 七年级生物实验课程开展现状原因分析 16
8 如何更加有效地培养七年级学生的生物实验能力 17
结 论 21
附录 23