关键词: 越南青冈;毛叶青冈;苗期;生长特性
Comparison of Seeding stage growth characteristic in Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis and Cyclobalanopsis kerrii
Abstract:Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis and Cyclobalanopsis kerrii are both evergreen treeof Fagaceae Cyclobalanopsis.Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis distributed restrictively in North Vietnam and South West of China with only 3 populations and it is a critically endangered species. Cyclobalanopsis kerri is a wide spread common species.Furthermore,and there is a natural hybrid between the two species.This study is about Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis and Cyclobalanopsis kerrii,and to compare the growth characteristic of the two species through research on characteristic of seed germination and seedling growth.The results show that,although
The morphology response of Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis and Cyclobalanopsis kerrii are familiar in their seeding stage,there are some differences between Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis and Cyclobalanopsis kerrii in growth characteristic. The trend growth of heights, diameters of Cyclobalanopsis kerrii is steady,but the trend growth ofThe heights, diameters of Cyclobalanopsis austrocochinensis is not.