


Abstract The improvement of rice yield has been the subject of scientists for a long time。 So what are the factors related to rice yield? As is known to all, rice is important because it is the main food of human beings。 The energy that is mainly depended on the day of human beings is the starch from rice。 The research on rice yield is mainly from three aspects。 One is the number of rice panicle, two is the number of grains per spike of rice, the three is the full extent of each particle, which is the weight of rice。 This paper is to small rice as the research object, mapping and cloning the rice grain gene 。

The effect of grain size on rice grain weight was larger。 Therefore, research on the grain size control mechanism of rice is of great significance to improve the yield of rice。 In order to study the molecular mechanism of the grain size regulation, we made mutagenesis of the wild rice with EMS, and obtained a series of mutant altered in grain shape。 One of the mutants showed a small and circle grain shape (refer to sg1), which, also presented additional phenotypes, like reduced seed yield and low germination rate。 In order to explore the mutation is recessive mutant, I made sg1 and 9311 hybridization, F1 generation full for the wild type, F2 generation character separation and wild-type 9311 inpidual and mutant sg1 inpidual proportion 3:1。 According to Mendel's law , the mutation is recessive mutations。 For gene mapping, we made the mutant sg1 and wild-type 9311 backcross, backcross 6-7 times, we obtain the more than 2000 mutant phenotype of the F2 plants。 After the rice genome sequence was determined, the primers were designed。 The 110 pairs of primers were used in this experiment, which were evenly distributed on 12 chromosomes of rice。

First selecting 20 mutant phenotype from the F2 population, DNA extraction, PCR amplification, gel electrophoresis, according to the different parents polymorphism screening, different polymorphic primers is candidate primers。 At this time, the candidate primers a wide range。 Then select the 200 plant mutants, using the candidate primer for initial positioning。 After the initial positioning of the template to expand the number of primers designed to fine positioning。 The SG1 gene was finally delimited to a single BAC by marker PM446 and YP320 with a physical distance of 33Kb。 In this region, there were 7 open reading frame (ORFs), and the fourth ORF, had a site mutation (Cytosine (C) in wild type) and thymine (T) ) in mutant) in 1212th base after start codon ATG, which caused the premature stop code (CAG to TAG)。

















