- 上一篇:放线菌L-2发酵液萃取物对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用研究
- 下一篇:植物提取物与食品中活性羰基物质的反应机理初探
Abstract Radix Ophiopogonis are perennial green herbs and it has higher medicinal value. In this article to show Radix Ophiopogonis antioxidant activity of extract in untraditional medicinal part stem leaf, and do the preliminary experiment for total flavones extracting conditions in stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis . Extracting stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis with methanol,95% ethanol and deionized water. Using DPPH·clearance as a index to test stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis’s antioxidant ability, and the results showed the methanol and ethanol as extract has higher antioxidant activity for stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis . Using different extractings (methanol、ethanol and deionized water) ethanol concentration、extract temperature and times as three kind of indexes to flavones extraction efficiency in stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis , separately. And the results showed that 50% ethanol、60℃ and 1h are the best indexes to stem leaf Radix Ophiopogonis of flavones . The experimental results for stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis as raw to explore natural antioxidant provides a scientific basis.
毕业论文关键词: 麦冬茎叶; 抗氧化能力; 提取优化
Keyword: Stem leaf of Radix Ophiopogonis; Antioxidant ability; Extract and optimize
目 录
1 选题背景与意义 5
1.1 选题背景 5
1.2 选题意义 5
1.3 研究药理作用及进展 5
1.3.1研究药理作用 5
1.3.2 研究进展 6
1.4 研究目的 7
2 材料与方法 7
2.1 材料,试剂及仪器 8
2.1.1 材料 8
2.1.2试剂 8
2.1.3 仪器 8
2.2 实验方法 8
2.2.1 芦丁标准曲线的制作方法 9
2.2.2 总黄酮含量测定方法 9
2.2.3 麦冬茎叶中总黄酮提取条件优化 9
2.2.4 提取物中总黄酮的稳定性测试 10
2.2.5 DPPH自由基清除作用的能力测定 10
3 结果与分析 10
3.1 标准曲线的制作 ................ 10
3.2 麦冬茎叶中总黄酮提取条件优化 11
3.2.1麦冬茎叶中总黄酮得率的计算 11
3.2.2 提取剂种类对麦冬茎叶中总黄酮得率的影响 11
3.2.3 乙醇浓度对麦冬茎叶中总黄酮得率的影响