Abstract Recursive sequence has always been an important part of the college entrance examination, so how to solve the recursive sequence of the formula has become an important issue。 Through the research of mathematics questions in the college entrance examination recently,the author summed up the five kinds of methods for solving recursive progression of: to construct a new sequence will be handed push sequence into a new arithmetic or geometric progression method of conversion; the fractional linear recursive relations are given a general transformation method--fixed point method; for the regular sequence can be used first-guess and after-prove mathematical inductive method; generating function method and the matrix method is a high point of the method, in which the generating function method is more general solving recurrence relations。 The five kinds of solving methods are given through theexamples in the college entrance examinationin recent years。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
毕业论文关键词:递推数列; 通项;高考数学;求解方法
Keyword:recursion sequence; generalterm;mathematics in college entrance examination;solving method
1 引言
递推数列既是高中数学的重要内容,又是高等数学的基础,不仅涉及的基础知识、数学思想和方法量多面广,而且和其他部分知识,例如函数、方程、不等式和几何等联系紧密,是联系高等数学和初等数学的重要纽带,因此它是高考数学中相当热门的一块内容。因为递推关系式的结构多样化,形态也是变化万千,在求解时往往需要根据具体问题进行具体分析,选择应用独特的技巧和方法。本文通过研究近几年高考数学真题中的递推数列问题,对高考试题中递推数列的问题就其解法进行了研究。先对递推数列作出如下定义。From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766
定义1【1】:对任意 ,由递推关系 确定的数列 称为 阶递推数列或称递归数列。根据递推关系,如果 是线性的,则称 为 阶线性递推数列,否则为非线性递推数列。各种数列问题在很多情形下,其实就是对数列通项公式的求解,特别是在一些综合性比较强的数列问题中,数列通项公式的求解往往是解决数列难题的关键。递推数列求通项问题可以用构造法、数学归纳法等初等方法求解,唐海军[1]等人则在高等数学观下采用矩阵法、代换法、母函数法等从另一种角度对递推数列的通项公式进行了求解。
2。1。1 型,其中 是常数,且 ,