摘要:基于可积耦合理论,首先介绍了构造孤子族的非线性可积耦合的一般框架.其次,引进一个新的李代数,由一个新的谱问题,根据Tu格式导出了Yang族及其Hamilton结构;根据可积耦合理论,构造出了Yang族的非线性可积耦合.最后,利用变分恒等式求得该Yang族非线性可积耦合的Hamilton结构.本文方法还可以应用到构造其它孤子族的非线性可积耦合.39423 毕业论文关键词:李代数;零曲率方程;可积耦合;Hamilton结构
Nonlinear Integrable Couplings of the Yang Hierarchy and Its Hamilton Structure
Abstract: In this paper, based on the theory of integrable coupling. Firstly, it gives the general framework of constructing soliton hierarchies which is of nonlinear integrable couplings. Secondly, it introduces a new Lie algebra and by a new spectral problem, the Yang hierarchy and its Hamiltonian structure are deduced according to the Tu format. Then, it constructs nonlinear integrable couplings of the Yang hierarchy according to the theory of integrable coupling. Finally, variational identities are used to furnish Hamiltonian structures of nonlinear integrable couplings of the Yang hierarchy. The method can also be applied to construct the nonlinear integrable coupling of the other soliton hierarchies.
Key words: Lie algebra; Zero curvature equation; Integrable coupling; Hamiltonian structure
目 录
摘 要 1
引言 2
1.非线性可积耦合的基本理论 4
2.Yang孤子方程族 5
2.1一个新的李代数 5
2.2由新的李代数生成Yang孤子方程族 5
3.Yang族的非线性可积耦合 9
3.1由可积耦合理论构造Yang族的非线性可积耦合 9
3.2 Yang族的非线性可积耦合的Hamilton结构 14
4.结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
, 表示加托函数,
其中分谱矩阵 与给定的可积方程 为已知的可积系统.在此种情况下的可积耦合,补充变量 的方程对于 是线性的.