Abstract: Mathematical concept teaching is the foundation of mathematics teaching in primary school ,the key of improving the education quality. Mathematical concept is abundant, abstract,summary and progressive.In the mathematics teaching,teachers train student’s ability of generalization,reasoning and association by concept teaching. At present,there are some problems in mathematical concept teaching.Problems show that teachers can ignore student’s experience, the process of concept formation is not deep ,the introducation is boring,and the form of exercise is single.There are four strategies about improving concept teaching. The strategies of introducing the concept are making use of visual means, examples about life,knowledge, situation. The strategies of getting concept are concept formation and concept assimilation. The strategies of consolidate the concept are giving examples, remembering the concept on the base of understanding it, arranging various exercises.Teachers guide students to establish system according to inner relationship of knowledge in the interaction.
Key words: elementary mathematics,concept,problem,strategy
1 前言 3
2 小学数学概念理论概述 3
2.1 小学数学概念分类 3
2.2 小学数学概念的特点 3
3 小学数学概念教学的独特价值 4
3.1 在概念教学中发展概括能力 4
3.2 在概念教学中发展推理能力 4
3.3 在概念教学中发展迁移能力 5
4 小学数学概念教学存在的问题 5
4.1 忽视学生的体验 5
4.2 概念的形成过程不够深入 6
4.3 引入模式重复枯燥 6
4.4 练习形式过于单一 6
5 小学数学概念教学的有效策略 7
5.1 概念的引入 7
5.2 概念的获得 8
5.3 概念的巩固 9
5.4 指导学生建立概念体系 9
结论 11
参考文献 12
1 前言