摘要颗粒混合与我们的日常生活息息相关,无论是化工、药物配置,还是食品、炸药的 制作,都离不开颗粒混合。影响颗粒混合效果的因素有许多,本课题是在前人的研究基 础上,运用离散元方法以及 EDEM 软件,旨在研究加入抄板后滚筒内颗粒混合情况,主 要的模拟指数为抄板组数和抄板个数。78764
模拟结果表明:颗粒混合速度随着抄板组数的增加而加快;当抄板组数为 4 或 5 时, 颗粒混合情况与全满时差别不大,效果较好。颗粒混合速度随着抄板个数的增加而加快,
当滚筒半径 R 25cm, M 50kg 时,选择 3 个抄板较好;当滚筒半径 R 30cm, M 50kg 时, 选择 3 个抄板较优;滚筒半径 R 35cm, M 100kg 时,选择 4 个抄板适宜;滚筒半径
R 40cm, M 100kg ,选择 4 个抄板较好;滚筒半径 R 45cm, M 100kg ,选择 4 个抄板 适合;滚筒半径 R 50cm, M 100kg ,选择 4 个抄板较好。
毕业论文关键词 离散元方法 颗粒 混合 抄板
Title Numerical simulation analysis of the "amplification" of particle mixing industry
Abstract Particle mixing is closely related with our daily life,no matter in the production of compound fertilizer,the manufacture of a medicament,or preparation of food and explosives。There are many factors that affect the effect of particle mixing。This topic is based on the previous research。And using the discrete element method and EDEM, this paper is to study the mixing of particles in the rotating cylinder installed with board。 The main simulation index is the group number of copy board and the number of copy board in each group。
According to the simulation results。The particle mixing rate increases with the increaseof the group number。 When the number of groups of copy board is 4 or 5,the situation is not so different from completely full type copy board。And the particle mixing rate increases with the increase of the number of the copy board。When the drum radius R = 25cm, M = 50kg, it’s better to select 3 copy board。When the drum radius R = 30cm, M = 50kg, it’s also suitable to select 3 copy board。When the drum radius R = 35cm, M = 100kg, it’s better to select 4 copy board。When the drum radius R = 40cm, M = 100kg, it’s suitable to select 4 copy board。When the drum radius R = 45cm, M = 100kg, it’s better to select 4 copy board。When the drum radius R = 50cm, M = 100kg, it’s better to select 4 copy board。
KeywordsThe distinct element methodParticleMixingCopy board
目 录
1绪论 1
1。1选题背景及研究意义 1
1。2颗粒混合搅拌当前研究现状 1
1。3本文研究内容与结构 3
2预备知识 4
2。1离散元方法简介 4
2。2颗粒接触模型及运动方程 4
2。3接触判断算法及网络划分 6
2。4 相对混合均匀度 7
2。5EDEM 软件介绍 7
3抄板组数模拟与分析 9
3。1效果放大分析及实验方法 9
3。2抄板组数分析 10
3。21R 30cm 不同混合质量时模拟与分析 11
3。22 R 40cm 不同混合质量时模拟与分析