    关键词 红外图像 图像分割 边缘检测 统计阈值
    Title    the   algorithm research  of  Infrared image segmentation             
    In recent years, modern science develops in a very alarming rate, driven by modern science, infrared imaging technology is also showing a good development situation and more extensive ranges of applications. Since infrared images have disadvantages of small gray value and relatively large noise , there is some  need for  infrared image processing to identify the target. This article describes the basic methods of   infrared image preprocessing and infrared image segmentation, programming commonly used algorithms to detect targets in infrared images and simulating with MATLAB.It  also compares the advantages and disadvantages of  methods of various infrared image segmentation , and analysis their scope of use. The results show that the algorithms  described in this article can extract the target in infrared image well.
    Keywords  infrared images   image segmentation   edge detection   statistical threshold
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状和发展趋势    1
    1.3  本文主要内容和安排    2
    2 红外图像分割预处理    3
    2.1  红外图像产生过程及特征    3
    2.2 直方图修正    3
    2.2.1  直方图的定义及特点    3
    2.2.2  红外图像直方图    4
    2.3  图像平滑处理    5
    2.3.1  邻域平均法    5
    2.3.2 中值滤波法    6
    2.3.3  多图像平均法    7
    2.4 图像锐化处理    8
    2.4.1 梯度定义    8
    2.4.2 梯度图像输出方法    8
    3 红外图像分割    10
    3.1  图像分割定义及概述    10
    3.2  边缘检测算子    10
    3.2.1  Roberts 边缘算子    10
    3.2.2  Sobel 边缘算子    11
    3.2.3  Prewitt 边缘算子    12
    3.2.4 高斯拉普拉斯边缘检测算子    13
    3.2.5  Canny 边缘算子    13
    3.3  区域分割方法    14
    3.3.1 区域生长法    14
    3.3.2 区域分裂与合并    15
    3.4  阈值分割方法    15
    3.4.1  最大类间方差法(Otsu)    16
    3.4.2  最大熵法    18
    3.4.3  迭代法    19
    3.4.4 一种统计阈值分割方法    20
    结论    22
    致谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1  绪论
     1.1 课题研究意义  
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