    摘要随着科学技术的快速发展,微机械电子系统(Micro Electromechanical System,MEMS)技术在军事与民用中得到越来越广泛的应用,并已成为传感器微型化发展的主要研究方向。硅微机械音叉陀螺是MEMS中一个典型的传感器,它采用哥氏加速度效应来测量角速度。由于传感器为微米级结构,对制造工艺有很高的要求,而且在实际运动过程中也会产生很多不确定性影响如结构粘附和塌陷,因此建立起硅微机械音叉陀螺的精确的电学模型对分析陀螺的实用性有着决定性的帮助,并且对加工工艺及流程也有着重要的改进作用。
    关键词  微机械电子系统、硅微机械音叉陀螺、哥氏加速度、电学等效模型
    Title    Research on Establishment of Electrical Equivalent  Model and Simulation for Micromachined Tuning Fork  
    With the rapid development of science and technology, micro-mechatronic systems (Micro Electromechanical System, MEMS) technology has been more widely used in military and civilian, and has become the main research direction to miniaturization development of the sensor. Micromechanical silicon tuning fork gyroscope is a typical MEMS sensor, which uses the Coriolis acceleration to measure angular velocity. Since the sensor has a micron-level structure, the manufacturing process needs a high demand, and in the actual course of the campaign will also generate a lot of uncertainties, such as the structure of adhesion and collapse. Now establishing an accurate electrical model of the micromachined tuning fork gyroscope has a decisive help to analyze the practicality of the gyroscope, and the process and procedures also have an important role to improve.
    The main issue there is a relatively large error in the silicon micromechanical tuning fork gyroscope manufacturing process,which will introduce the parasitic,so we use the experimental methods to test the finished structure gyroscope to give the key kinetic parameters and electrical parameters, then use these parameters to establish the electrical equivalent model in PSPICE simulation environment ,and simulating with Control circuit. It can be more accurately characterize the actual processing of the gyro  to help optimize the circuit, improve performance and help optimize the  manufacturing process of the gyro.
    Key words   Micro-mechanical and electronic systems ,silicon micromechanical tuning fork gyroscope, Coriolis acceleration, electrical equivalent model
    目   次
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    课题背景及研究现状    2
    1.3    硅微机械音叉陀螺仪发展简介    3
    1.4    论文主要工作和研究途径    4
    2    硅微机械音叉陀螺仪原理及结构模型    6
    2.1    硅微机械音叉陀螺仪驱动原理    6
    2.1.1    陀螺驱动部分梳齿结构分析    7
    2.1.2    陀螺驱动部分梳齿结构动力学分析    8
    2.2    电压与静电力的转换分析与建模    9
    2.2.1    驱动建模    10
    2.2.2    驱动检测建模    11
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