    关键词  在线影评  文化差异  电影艺术
    Title    Analysis of cultural differences from online critics   
    Film is a special culture media, is a tragicomedy and can accommodate a variety of dramatic art and literature , photography , painting , music, dance , text, sculpture and architecture of the integrated arts , but it also has artistic features alone . Critics , is a film director, actor , camera language , shooting technique , plot, clues , environment, color, light and other analysis and criticism. Critics record people feel when watching a movie . Movie Review aims to analyze , identify and evaluate the aesthetic value inherent in the screen , the awareness of the value of social significance , camera language , etc., to achieve the purpose of filming , explaining the theme expressed in the film , both through the film's success or failure analysis gains and losses, to help the director to broaden our horizons , enhance creative level , in order to promote the prosperity and development of film art ; but also through the analysis and evaluation of the impact on the audience 's understanding and appreciation of the film , raise the level of appreciation of the audience , thus indirectly promoting the development of film art . This paper will review the sample 40 movies based on the dimensions of Chinese and foreign cultural differences , analyze the characteristics of Chinese and foreign cultures .
    Keywords  Online Film Critics    Cultural differences    Film Art
    目   录

    1 引言    1
    2 电影艺术构成    3
    2.1 新电影结构理论    3
    2.2 电影符号学理论    7
    3 文化差异理论    9
    4 基于在线影评的文化差异分析研究方案设计    11
    4.1 样本方案    11
    5 数据采集与整理    14
    5.1 评分数据    14
    5.2 评论数据    15
    6 数据分析    21
    6.1 评分数据分析    21
    6.2 评论数据分析    23
    6.3 基于在线影评的文化差异分析    26
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    参考文献    30

    表格 2.1 电影符号的分类    8
    表格 2.2电影符号的具体应用表格    8
    表格 5.1针对电影素材样本的评分数据(第1层次)    14
    表格 5.2针对电影素材样本的评分数据(第2层次)    15
    表格 5.3针对电影素材样本的评分数据(第3层次)    15
    表格 5.4针对电影素材样本的评论数据整理(第1层次)    16
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