关键词:渥拉斯顿棱镜 透射光强 扰动
Title Transmission intensity disturbance in Wollaston prism
Wollaston prism is invented by William Head Wollaston.It consists of two rectangular prism,which is usually binded by Canada glue and whose optical axis are perpendicular to each other.Wollaston prism could generate two beams separated from each other,mutually perpendicular vibration of plane polarized light.The separation angle between two beams depend on the cutting angle of prism and the wavelength.After the basic grasp of transmission intensity disturbance of Glan Taylor and Glan Foucault prism,we could safely suppose that transmission intensity disturbance can also happen when light get through Wollaston prism,and the disturbance factor would be more complicated because the optical axis are perpendicular,then there would be two transmitted beams.Obviously,they have different disturbance factors.Meanwhile,the transmitted light is no longer perpendicular to the surface of the prism,which will absolutely affect the transmitted light intensity.