非物理专业学生学习大学物理兴趣调查摘 要:大学物理是理工科非物理专业学生的一门重要基础课程。通过该课程的学习,学生可以掌握必要的物理理论知识,初步学会科学的思文方法和研究问题的方法,对专业课的学习和以后的工作生活有很大帮助。但是目前学生普遍对大学物理学习缺乏兴趣,这直接影响大学物理的学习效果。本毕业论文通过对师范学院非物理专业学生的问卷调查,分析当前学生大学物理学习兴趣的现状及原因,在此基础上提出提高学生大学物理学习兴趣的建议。关键词:非物理专业;大学物理;学习兴趣8153
Research on Non Physics Major Students’ Interest in Learning University Physics
Abstract:University physics is an important basic course in non physics majors. By learning this course, students can master the necessary knowledge of physical theory, method and preliminary learn scientific thinking methods and research problems. It is a great help for learning the professional course and the work life in future. However, the students are lack of interest in learning the university physics, which directly affects the learning efficiency of the university physics course. The purpose of this study is to analyze current status and reasons of university students' interest in learning physics through a questionnaire investigation for non physics majors of Zhoukou Normal University. Some measures and methods were put forwarded to improve the students' interests in learning university physics, and further enhance learning efficiency in university physics course.
Key Words: Non physics major; University physics; Learning interest
摘要 1
引言 1
1.研究意义和现状 2
1.1研究意义 2
1.2研究现状 2
2.问卷调查 2
2.1调查问卷设计 2
2.2问卷分析研究 3
2.3研究结论 7
3.提升大学物理学习兴趣的建议 7
3.1在教学中适当引入物理学史 7
3.2加强物理实验教学 8
3.3合理利用多媒体技术 8
3.4教学中注重理论联系实际 8
3.5鼓励社会实践,增加实践机会 9
4.结束语 9
参考文献 10
附录 11
致谢 13引言
1. 研究意义和现状
1.1 研究意义
1.2 研究现状