摘 要:本文利用四阶龙格库塔方法着重研究了存在非谐相互作用情况下弹簧振子的受迫振动性质。我们首先建立了非谐弹簧振子受迫振动的微分方程,进而通过四阶龙格库塔方法数值求解,接下来分析了受迫振动时的动力学性质,如共振振幅和共振频率等。本文共分为四章。第一章简要的回顾了振动现象、简谐振动、非谐振动以及受迫振动,并且着重介绍了两种非线性晶格:Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) 模型和FK 模型。第二章主要介绍了物理学中两种常见的求解常微分方程的方法,欧拉公式和龙格库塔方法。第三章通过数值求解受迫振动微分方程,分析非谐项存在对于受迫振动动力学性质的影响。最后一章,我们对本文的工作进行了概括总结。75787
Abstract:The dynamic properties of forced vibration is numerically studied for an anharmonic oscillator in which anharmonic interaction terms are explicitly considered。 We firstly formulate an ordinary differential equation of motion of the anharmonic oscillator。 Then it is numerically solved by using 4th order Runge-Kutta method。 Afterwards, we carefully investigate the dynamic properties。 Major attention is placed on the effect of anharmonic interaction on resonance amplitude and frequency。 This paper is organized as follows。 We briefly review the concepts of vibration phenomenon, simple harmonic oscillation, nonlinear dynamics and forced vibration。 And then, chapter 2 introduces two widely used method to solve ordinary differential equations, namely, Euler's method and Runge-Kutta method。 Afterwards, we derive an ordinary differential equation of force vibration of an anharmonic oscillator which is further numerically sovled; and the dynamic properties are then analyzed and presented in chapter 3。 The final conclusion is appended in the final chapter 4。
Keywords:Simple harmonic oscillator, Anharmonic interaction, Forced vibration, Runge-Kutta method
目 录
1 引言 2
1。1振动现象 2
1。2 简谐振动 3
1。3非线性现象 4
1。4 几个典型的非线性晶格 4
1。5受迫振动 5
2 数值计算方法 5
2。1欧拉方法求解常微分 6
2。2龙格库塔方法求解常微分方程 7
3非谐弹簧振子受迫振动 8
3。1 理论模型 8
3。2 非谐项对于受迫振动的影响 9
3。3 能量 11
结论 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
1 引言