摘要:喜剧片在香港电影业中一直占据主流地位。上世纪70年代后是香港喜剧电影的黄金时代,自香港回归以来,内地掀起了观看香港喜剧电影的热潮,内地观众的观影习惯和内地电影的创作风格因此受到影响。本论文重点对香港喜剧电影对内地电影都有哪些影响进行阐述,采用个例分析与理论相结合的研究方法,通过分析香港喜剧电影的特点及成功之处,归纳总结其对内地电影创作及市场的影响,从而对内地电影的发展提供一些可借鉴的资料,使中国电影的品质和发展能够更上一层楼。24640 毕业论文关键词:香港喜剧电影;电影体系构建;合拍趋势
The Influence Of Comedy Films In Hongkong On Mainland Films
Abstract :The comic films have always played an important role in the film industry of Hong Kong, which experienced its golden time in 1970s. When Hong Kong returns to China, the mainland has developed a trend to watch the comic films of Hong Kong, and the watching habits of the audiences and the creation styles of the films in the mainland were greatly influenced by them. This paper analyzes the influences that the comic films of Hong Kong exerted on the films in the mainland and combines the analysis of examples with the theory to analyze the character of the comic films and the reasons that leads them to success. And by concluding influences that the comic films exerted on the films in the mainland, the paper hopes to provide some useful materials and help the mainland film industry to make more progress on quality and development.
Key words: comic films in Hong Kong; construction of film system; co-production trend
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