摘要:《饮食男女》作为李安“家庭三部曲”的收官之作,无论是在拍摄风格还是表现手法上都是对前两部的继承与创新。在情节叙述上通过富有表现力的人物形象来凸显剧情发展的跌宕起伏,每位人物都拿捏的恰到好处。文章以《饮食男女》为例,通过对人物叙事策略的研究,分析影片的成功之处。本文着重通过对故事情节、语言动作、矛盾冲突来介绍人物的叙事方式。又从人物关系和人物性格探究人物的叙事特点,最后得出《饮食男女》在人物叙事方面的启示。24781 毕业论文关键词:《饮食男女》;人物形象;叙事
Narrative Strategies of Characters in the “Eat Drink Man Woman”
Abstract :As the ending of the family trilogy directed by Ang Lee, Eat Drink Man Woman is the inheritance and innovation of the first two. It highlights the ups and downs of the development of the plot through expressive characters. Each character is perfectly portrayed. Taking this film as an example, this paper studies the success of the film by the character narrative strategy. This paper focuses on the story, the language & action, and conflict to introduce the character of narrative mode, and from the relationship between the characters and the character of narrative features of characters, it finally obtains the revelation on figure narrative in Eat Drink Man Woman.
Key Words:“Eat Drink Man Woman” ;characters; narrative
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