摘 要:随着广告行业的发展,各行各业对塑造产品和品牌形象越来越看重。而城市形象作为城市软实力的重要部分,对推动城市的发展具有重要的作用。自从1999年,威海城市形象广告成功以来,各大城市争先恐后的在央视投放形象广告。本课题使用文献研究法、观察研究法、统计分析法等方法,通过对省级在央视广告投放情况的研究,总结归纳省级广告投放的总体状况。具体研究包括广告投放的区域、广告投放的时间段以及广告的内容,从中总结出省级投放的现状及其存在的广告影像呈现单一、缺乏创意、播放时段集中和夸大修辞等方面问题。通过本课题,也希望找到一条适合省级区域城市电视形象广告发展的道路,并对省级电视形象广告存在的问题,提出建设性的解决方案。56632
Abstract: With developments of the advertising industry,all trades and professions begin to pay more attention to modeling the images and qualities of their products. Therefor, city image, as an important part of city’s soft power,plays a key role in pushing the advancements of a city.After the success of Weihai's advertisment of city image in 1999, other domestic cities' Advertisements of City Image sprung up like mushrooms. The big cities all vie with one another for the first to put their City advertising on CCTV. Therefore, the penman of the thesis analyzed and investigated the conditions of the provincial advertisements that have been put on CCTV and thus drafted a general conclusion about the conditions of the provincial advertisements by the way of observation and record, literature search and information index. From the research the penman made, she got a conclusion about the conditions of the provincial pertisements and their shortcomings, such as lack of creativity, unreasonable concentration of broadcasting time and exaggerations of rhetorical language and so on. From this subject, the penman also hopes to find out a suitable way for the developments of provincial advertisements of cities’ Advertisements of City Image, and put forward some constructive solutions to the problems existing in the provincial advertisements of cities’Advertisements of City Image.
Keyword: The provincial city, television advertising, CCTV
目 录
一、 前言…4
二、 城市形象广告与省级区域城市形象广告的界定…4
(一)城市形象广告的界定 …4
(二)省级区域城市形象广告的界定 …4
(三)省级区域城市形象广告的发展历程 …5
三、 研究方法和样本选取5
四、 省级区域城市电视形象广告分析…7
(一) 区域:东部省级区域城市投放比例大于西部 …7
(二) 时段:省级区域城市电视形象广告多集中在午间时段 …9
(三) 内容:诉求内容以历史风景为主式 …9
五、 省级区域城市电视形象广告存在的问题 …12