    关键词  包装设计;青花文化;纹样;情感表达;传承;创新
     Title    Blue and white  record                         
    Blue and white porcelain, often referred to as the blue and white, is one of the main varieties of Chinese porcelain. Blue and white decoration rich and full of flavor, with a high artistic value. In modern society, the blue and white elements in both the use of various products, it has been given a new meaning: Chinese traditional culture and Chinese blue and white art.
    This topic through extensive literature research and data collection on the artistic features blue and white were studied. By show of traditional cultural connotation of blue and white, blue and white patterns on the re-design of the traditional culture of emotional expression, try the traditional blue and white vector into a modern carrier approach will be applied to the traditional culture of modern art and design, the creation of its own brand - "blue and white in mind. "In this process, to explore the traditional cultural heritage significance in the information society.
    Keywords   Package Design  Blue and white culture  Patterns  Emotional expression  Inheritance  Innovation
    目  次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题来源    1
    1.2 课题研究的目的与意义    1
    2 青花瓷的概况及其发展    1
    2.1 青花瓷概况    1
    2.2 青花瓷的发展状况    2
    2.3 青花瓷纹样的历史研究    2
    3 青花瓷纹样的元素及艺术特征    3
    3.1 青花纹样的名族文化    3
    3.2 青花纹样的风格特点    3
    3.3 青花纹样设计的情感表达    3
    3.4 青花纹样的装饰美    4
    4 青花瓷图案在现代设计中的应用    4
    4.1 在服装上的应用    4
    4.2 在室内设计中的应用    4
    4.3 在包装中的应用    4
    4.4 图形设计方法    5
    5 从青花瓷到品牌设计的演变    5
    5.1 什么是品牌设计    5
    5.2 《青花记》品牌创立    5
    5.3 《青花记》品牌内容    6
    5.4 《青花记》品牌的产品定位    6
    5.5 《青花记》品牌的风格定位    6
    6 《青花记》的设计过程    6
    6.1 标志设计    6
    6.2 标准色选择    7
    6.3 辅助色设计    8
    6.4 辅助图形设计    8
    6.5 草图    9
    6.6 香插包装平面布局    10
    6.7 《青花记》品牌的应用    12
    7 展示    16
    结论    17
    致谢    18
    参考文献    19
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