    Abstract The Man That Was Used Up is one of Edgar Allan Poe’s humorous and satiric short stories which contain the most distinctive modernism features. To bitterly mock the racist ideology that is deeply rooted in the United States and to show his pity and deep sympathy for Indian people who have suffered badly from colonial invasions and racial oppression, Poe boldly moves beyond traditional cultural psychological paradigm and away from popular aesthetic habit, and turns to disability and artificial limbs for creative materials. Portraying the hero of the story Smith as a victim of both racism and modern industrial civilization, Poe articulates his anxiety and worry about modern people’s fate of being materialized into a product. He also sheds subtle light on the spiritual predicament that is caused by people’s blind expansion of living space in the early and mid nineteenth century American west movement and in the process of modernization, and voices his deep concern over the living conditions for humans and his reflections on the future of humanity.
    The first chapter is a brief introduction of Edgar Allan Poe as well as the writing background and significance of The Man That Was Used Up. The second chapter analyzes the essence of “War” between America and Indian. That is the reflection of Westward Movement and the capitalist Expansion. The third chapter focuses on the effect of scientific and technological revolution which is a double-edged sword. The fourth chapter probes into the satire of racism and the call of humanity. The last chapter is the conclusion of the whole paper.
    Key Words: Edgar Allan Poe, The Man That Was Used Up, racism, commodity economy, scientific and technological revolution, disability, humanity
    摘要 《被用光的人》是爱伦•坡的作品中最具现代主义色彩的幽默讽刺短篇小说之一。他在小说中大胆超越传统的文化心理范式和大众审美习惯,以残疾和假肢为创作素材,对美国根深蒂固的种族主义进行了辛优尔讽刺,对印第安人饱受白人殖民侵略和种族压迫的悲惨遭遇表达了深切的同情。被现代科技用光的主人公史密斯准将,既是种族主义的受害者,又是现代工业文明的被异化者。坡对现代人逐步沦为物质附庸的现实深感焦虑和不安,其小说微妙揭示了19世纪上半叶美国西进运动和现代化进程中一拓展生存空间而导致的精神困境,传达出其深切的人文关怀和对人类未来命运的深刻反思。22125
    1 Introduction.1
    1.1 A Brief Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe.1
    1.2 The Man That Was Used Up..2

    2 The Essence of “War” between America and Indian.5
    2.1 The Reflection of Westward Movement..5
    2.2 The Capitalist Expansion.6

    3 The Enlightenment of “Science and Technology”..8
    3.1 The Implication of the Wonderful Age..8
    3.2 The Challenge to the Humanity of Commodity Economy.9

    4 The Call of “Humanity”..11
    4.1 The Racialism in The Man That Was Used Up..11
    4.2 The Introspection and Suggestion12
    5 Conclusion..13
    Bibliography    ..15
    1 Introduction
    1.1 A Brief Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe
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