Following are some excellent researches’ s standpoints related the theme of this thesis quoted or generalized from periodicals, dissertations, books and so on, which give an overview of Jane’ s female consciousness from both positive angle and critical angle, the lack of female college students’ female consciousness。

1。2。1 Studies on Jane’ s female consciousness at home and abroad

    1。2。1。1 Positive attitude towards Jane’ s female consciousness

In general, many researchers hold positive attitudes towards Jane’ s female consciousness for several aspects。 An idea that the female consciousness of Jane awakes up women’ s self-awareness in her time is widely accepted by many researchers。 Louis G(2015)states in his essay “the story of Jane and her love story with Rochester open a complete new world for the author and other who fight for women’ s rights。 Bronte moulds a female character who looks personality and dignity as the most important thing。 It is the veto to deal marriage which depends on money, pedigree and beautiful appearance, and it claims that the true essence of love is devotion and giving。 Female can receive respect and find their happiness only through their independence, self-dignity and self-love。”

At the first place, Jane pursues the equality between the male and the female。“Unlike her contemporaries, Jane Eyre believes that men and women are born to be equal and women should never be tamed by the male-centered world。 Under the tremendous pressure, Jane still guards her own dignity and determines to achieve self-actualization instead of being an accessory of men。 Self-respect, self-reliance and self-actualization comprise Jane’ s female consciousness。”(LI JingLI Chang-bao, 2016) This statement shows that pursuing gender equality and self-reliance are positive reflections of Jane’ s feminist consciousness。 Moreover, according to Huang Yanchun(2006), Jane Eyre’ s female consciousness runs through the whole story, being viewed in two aspects。 One is the exposure and denunciation of man’ s oppression, the other is the portrayal of Jane Eyre’ s outstanding character。 文献综述

Secondly, some scholars point out that Jane attaches much importance to the independence of a female。 An Bo(1996) mentions in his monograph that Jane Eyre embodies the advanced female consciousness, which expresses the progressive spirit of women, criticizes the unreasonable social gender system and decadent traditional concepts, advocates rebellious spirit, consciousness of self-esteem and sense of pursuing Inner beauty。 Meanwhile, “Jane Eyre is different from any other women at that time。 She strives for her life and defends her fate in hardships and difficult conditions。 In Victorian period, the image of Jane Eyre cast a sharp contrast to the man-dominated society。 She stands for a new lady who has the courage to fight for her own rights and love。 Jane becomes a feminist in pursuing independence and equality and true love。” (Gao Haiyan, 2013。)    Moreover, Jane’ s views on marriage are far beyond Victoria times。 Jane stresses marriage autonomy and equality in marriage。 Wei Qin(2009)points out that one of the most important female consciousness of Jane is her view of marriage autonomy, which breaks the traditional idea that women should wait and be chosen in marriage。 At the same time, Jane believes that marriage is based on equality, independence and respect with each other as a successful marriage requires good communication and understanding between the two sides。 

















