摘 要随着社会经济的发展和科技水平的提高,各公司产品进出口日益增多,商标名的翻译也越来越备受关注,而其翻译原则和品牌文化的研究也应不断丰富和发展。商标翻译要求译者不仅熟练掌握两种不同语言,同时应熟悉两种文化的共性和个性,能有效地传达出商标所蕴含的商品信息,以促进商品的销售和消费。本文结合翻译实例对商标名的品牌文化和翻译原则进行了探讨,认为进行商标翻译时要考虑一些翻译技巧和翻译原则,以达到正确、忠实、准确地翻译商标名的目的。23794
Abstract With the development of society and economy and the improvement of scientific and technological level, the imports and exports of products in enterprises increase day by day, and translation for trademarks also receives more and more attention. Thus the study of translation methods should get continuous enrichment and development. Translation for trademarks requires translators should not only skillfully master two different languages, but also acquaint themselves with general characteristics and inpidualities of two cultures in order to effectively convey commodity information which trademarks imply and promote sales and consumption of commodities. This paper discusses brand culture and translation principles of brand names by using examples. It also holds that when translating we should take into consideration translation skills and principles to ensure the right, faithful and accurate translation of brand name.
Key words: brand name; translation principle; brand culture
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. A General Survey of Brand Name 2
2.1 Definition of Brand Name 2
2.2 Historical Evolution of Brand Name 2
2.3 Functions of Brand Name 4
1. Informative Function 4
2. Aesthetic Function 4
3. Evocative Function 5
III. Brand Culture of Brand Name 6
3.1 Definition of Brand Culture 6
3.2 Function of Brand Culture 6
3.3 Evolution of Brand Culture 7
IV. Principles for Translating Brand Name 9
4.1 The Principle of Purposiveness 9
4.2 The Principle of Beauty in Equivalence 9
4.3 The Principle of Beauty in Sound 10
4.4 The Principle of Beauty in Sense 11
4.5 The Principle of Beauty in Culture 12
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgments 15
Brand Culture and Translation Principles of Brand Names
I. Introduction
With the development of international economy, the importance of brand name translation in the international trade becomes more and more obvious.It is necessary for us to apply suitable theories to brand name translation, then make the promotion function of brand name develop fully.
As the product of economic development, the brand name exists widely in the social life, and plays a very important role in the propagation, promotion of the commodity and the beautification of human life. The brand name is one part of the advertisement. The essence of the advertisement is of promotion and its purpose has commercial character. The ultimate purpose of brand name translation is to attract the attention of the consumers in foreign market and rouse their purchase desire. From this aspect, we can say the translation of brand name has commercial character.
- 上一篇:非语言语境在文学翻译中的应用
- 下一篇:试论《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突