    Advertising is a propaganda way to introduce goods, services or content to the public, usually through newspapers, television, radio, posters or other forms. The final purpose of advertising, especially television advertising is to attract people's attention, encourage, persuade and induce consumers to buy their products. Advertising language is of great significance for advertising. This thesis takes Cooperative Principle as the theoretical foundations, and adopts a qualitative case analysis to investigate and interpret the TV advertising language. Based on the preliminary investigation on many TV advertisements, the author finds that Cooperative Principle is frequently violated in advertising, which leads to the hypothesis that the advertiser prefers the communicative strategy, non-observance of Cooperative Principle for the sake of sales promotion. Within the scope of this study, the hypothesis has been proved.
    Key words: TV advertising; Cooperative Principle; Violation
     The Cooperative Principle in the Application of the Modern TV Ads

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I.Introduction    1
    II.Cooperative Principle    2
    2.1 The Emergence and Research of Cooperative Principle    2
    2.2 The Content of Cooperative Principle    3
    III.Violation of Cooperative Principle in Advertisement    4
    3.1 Violating the Quantity    4
    3.1.1Making Your Contribution as Informative as is Required  (for the Current Purposes of the Exchange).    5
    3.1.2 Don’t Make Your Contribution More Informative than is Required.    6
    3.2 Violating the Quality    7
    3.2.1 Do Not Say What You Believe to Be False.    8
    3.2.2 Do Not Say That for Which You Lack Adequate Evidence.    9
    3.3 Violating the Relevance    9
    3.4 Violating the Manner Maxim    11
    3.4.1 Being Brief.    11
    3.4.2 Avoiding Obscurity of Expression    12
    3.4.3 Avoiding Ambiguity    12
    3.4.4 Being Orderly    13
    IV. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16

    As a means of information transmission, TV advertising has become an integral part of our daily life. The language of TV advertising, compared with the aids of sounds and pictures, is of decisive importance to the persuasiveness and effectiveness of advertisements in modern society. Enterprises need advertisements for market occupation and promotion, people need advertisements to choose commodities and enrich their daily life. At the same time, we are surrounded by all kinds of advertisements. Due to the important role of TV advertising language, studies on it have been carried and more attention on it seems necessary, many scholars have analyzed TV advertising language on the basis of linguistic theories such as Cooperative Principle. However, it is found that few efforts have been made on the systematic of TV advertising language within the framework of Cooperative Principle, which have proved to be of great influence on the development of TV advertising language.
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